
Please report issues with the manual on the GitHub page.

SUEWS: Surface Urban Energy and Water Balance Scheme

Documentation Status
  • How to get SUEWS?

  • How to use SUEWS?

    • For existing users:

    Overview of changes in this version, see Version 2019a (released on 15 November 2019). If these changes impact your existing simulations, please see appropriate parts of the manual. It may be necessary to adapt some of your input files for for the current version.


    A helper python script, SUEWS table converter, is provided to help facilitate the conversion of input files between different SUEWS versions.

    Additionally, the manuals for previous versions can be accessed in respective sections under Version History.

    • For new users:

    Before performing SUEWS simulations, new users should read the overview Introduction, then follow the steps in Preparing to run the model to prepare input files for SUEWS.

    Note there are tutorials learning about running SUEWS available the tutorial.

  • How has SUEWS been used?

The scientific details and application examples of SUEWS can be found in Recent publications.
  • How to cite SUEWS?


    Visit the repositories below for different citation styles.

    • Software:

      Sun Ting, Järvi Leena, Grimmond Sue, Lindberg Fredrik, Li Zhenkun, Tang Yihao, Ward Helen: (2019, February 21). SUEWS: Surface Urban Energy and Water Balance Scheme (Version 2018c). Zenodo. doi_software

    • Manual:

      Sun Ting, Järvi Leena, Grimmond Sue, Lindberg Fredrik, Li Zhenkun, Tang Yihao, Ward Helen: (2019, February 21). SUEWS Documentation (Version 2018c). Zenodo. doi_docs

  • How to support SUEWS?

    1. Cite SUEWS appropriately in your work.
    2. Contribute to the development.
    3. Report issues via the GitHub page.
    4. Provide suggestions and feedback.