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13.1. Version 2019a (released on 15 November 2019)

  • Improvement

    1. An anthropogenic emission module is added. Module details refer to Järvi et al. (2019) [J19].
    2. A canyon profile module is added. Module details refer to Theeuwes et al. (2019) [T19].
  • Changes

    1. Input file SUEWS_AnthropogenicHeat.txt is renamed to SUEWS_AnthropogenicEmission.txt with new parameters added: MinFCMetab, MaxFCMetab, FrPDDwe, FcEF_v_kgkmWD and FcEF_v_kgkmWE.
    2. BLUEWS has been recovered; set CBLUse to use it.
    3. Removed features:
    • SOLWEIG: fully removed from code.
    • netCDF: fully removed as this is very infrequently used; users who need this are suggested to use SuPy with help from pandas and xarray to save results in netCDF more elegantly.
  • Fix

    1. Fixed a bug in LAI calculation for longterm runs.
    2. Fixed a bug in net all-wave radiation differential calculation for OHM.
    3. Fixed a bug in GDD/SDD calculation that different vegetative land covers could unexpectedly affect each other.
    4. Fixed water redistribution bug in snow module.
  • Known issues

    1. Wind direction is not currently downscaled so non -999 values will cause an error.