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supy.init_supy(path_init: str, force_reload=True, check_input=False) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]#

Initialise supy by loading initial model states.

Path to a file that can initialise SuPy, which can be either of the follows:
  • SUEWS RunControl.nml: a namelist file for SUEWS configurations

  • SuPy df_state.csv: a CSV file including model states produced by a SuPy run via supy.save_supy()

force_reload: boolean, optional

Flag to force reload all initialisation files by clearing all cached states, with default value True (i.e., force reload all files). Note: If the number of simulation grids is large (e.g., > 100), force_reload=False is strongly recommended for better performance.

check_input: boolean, optional

flag for checking validity of input: df_forcing and df_state_init. If set to True, any detected invalid input will stop SuPy simulation; a False flag will bypass such validation and may incur kernel error if any invalid input. Note: such checking procedure may take some time if the input is large. (the default is False, which bypasses the validation).

df_state_init: pandas.DataFrame

Initial model states. See df_state variables for details.

  1. Use RunControl.nml to initialise SuPy

>>> path_init = "~/SUEWS_sims/RunControl.nml"
>>> df_state_init = supy.init_supy(path_init)
  1. Use df_state.csv to initialise SuPy

>>> path_init = "~/SuPy_res/df_state_test.csv"
>>> df_state_init = supy.init_supy(path_init)