Source code for supy.util._gs

# surface conductance/resistance related functions
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ._atm import cal_des_dta, cal_dq

def cal_rs_obs(qh, qe, ta, rh, pa, ra, method="iPM"):
    """Calculate surface resistance based on observations, notably turbulent fluxes.

    qh : numeric
        sensible heat flux [W m-2]
    qe : numeric
        latent heat flux [W m-2]
    ta : numeric
        air temperature [degC]
    rh : numeric
        relative humidity [%]
    pa : numeric
        air pressure [Pa]
    ra : numeric
        aerodynamic resistance [m s-1]
    method: str
        method used to calculate rs, can be one of {'iPM','FG'}, by default 'iPM'
        'iPM': inverted Penman-Monteith
        'FG': flux gradient

        Surface resistance based on observations [s m-1]
    from atmosp import calculate as ac

    # choose calculation method
    dict_fun = {
        "iPM": cal_rs_iPM,
        "FG": cal_rs_FG,
    fun = dict_fun[method]

    # actual calculation via the wrapper function
    ser_rs = fun(qh, qe, ta, rh, pa, ra)

    return ser_rs

def cal_rs_iPM(qh, qe, ta, rh, pa, ra):
    """Calculate surface resistance based on observations, notably turbulent fluxes.

    qh : numeric
        sensible heat flux [W m-2]
    qe : numeric
        latent heat flux [W m-2]
    ta : numeric
        air temperature [degC]
    rh : numeric
        relative humidity [%]
    pa : numeric
        air pressure [Pa]
    ra : numeric
        aerodynamic resistance [m s-1]

        Surface resistance based on observations [s m-1]
    from atmosp import calculate as ac

    # psychrometric constant [Pa K-1] as a function of air pressure
    ser_gamma = 0.665e-3 * pa

    # air density [kg m-3]
    val_rho = 1.27

    # heat capacity of air [J kg-1 K-1]
    val_cp = 1005

    # convert temp from C to K
    ta_K = ta + 273.15

    # slope of es(Ta) curve at Ta
    ser_des_dTa = cal_des_dta(ta_K, pa, dta=1.0)
    arr_e = ac("e", p=pa, T=ta_K, RH=rh)
    arr_es = ac("es", p=pa, T=ta_K)
    arr_vpd = arr_es - arr_e
    ser_rs_1 = (ser_des_dTa / ser_gamma) * (qh / qe - 1) * ra
    ser_rs_2 = val_rho * val_cp * arr_vpd / (ser_gamma * qe)
    ser_rs = ser_rs_1 + ser_rs_2

        # try to pack as Series
        ser_rs = pd.Series(ser_rs, index=ta_K.index)
    except AttributeError as ex:
        print(ex, "cannot pack into pd.Series")

    return ser_rs

def cal_rs_FG(qh, qe, ta, rh, pa, ra):
    """Calculate surface resistance based on observations, notably turbulent fluxes.

    qh : numeric
        sensible heat flux [W m-2]
    qe : numeric
        latent heat flux [W m-2]
    ta : numeric
        air temperature [degC]
    rh : numeric
        relative humidity [%]
    pa : numeric
        air pressure [Pa]
    ra : numeric
        aerodynamic resistance [m s-1]

        Surface resistance based on observations [s m-1]
    from atmosp import calculate as ac
    from ._atm import cal_dens_vap, cal_lat_vap, cal_qa

    # air density [kg m-3]
    val_rho = 1.27

    # heat capacity of air [J kg-1 K-1]
    val_cp = 1005

    # convert temp from C to K
    ta_K = ta + 273.15

    # canopy bulk surface temperature
    tc_K = qh / (val_rho * val_cp) * ra + ta_K

    # actual atmospheric vapour pressure [Pa]
    ser_qa = ac("qv", p=pa, T=ta_K, RH=rh) + rh * 0

    # saturated atmospheric vapour pressure at canopy surface [Pa]
    ser_qs_c = ac("qvs", p=pa, T=tc_K) + rh * 0

    # # vapour pressure deficit [Pa]
    # arr_vpd = arr_es_c - arr_ea

    # specific humidity [kg kg-1]
    # ser_qa = cal_qa(rh, ta_K, pa / 100)

    # latent heat of vapour [J kg-1]
    ser_lv = cal_lat_vap(ser_qa, ta_K, pa / 100) + pa * 0

    # vapour density [kg m-3]
    rho_v = ac("rho", RH=rh, T=ta_K, p=pa) + pa * 0

    ser_et = qe / ser_lv
    ser_rs = rho_v * (ser_qs_c - ser_qa) / ser_et - ra
        # ser_qa.median(),
        # ta_K.median(),
        # pa.median(),
        # tc_K.median(),
        # rho_v.median(),
        # (ser_qs_c - ser_qa).median(),
        # ser_et.median(),
        # ra.median(),
        # ser_lv.median(),

        # try to pack as Series
        ser_rs = pd.Series(ser_rs, index=ta_K.index)
    except AttributeError as ex:
        print(ex, "cannot pack into pd.Series")

    return ser_rs

[docs] def cal_gs_obs(qh, qe, ta, rh, pa, ra): """Calculate surface conductance based on observations, notably turbulent fluxes. Parameters ---------- qh : numeric Sensible heat flux [W m-2] qe : numeric Latent heat flux [W m-2] ta : numeric Air temperature [degC] rh : numeric Relative humidity [%] pa : numeric Air pressure [Pa] Returns ------- numeric Surface conductance based on observations [mm s-1] """ rs_obs = cal_rs_obs(qh, qe, ta, rh, pa, ra) gs_obs = 1e3 / rs_obs return gs_obs
def cal_g_lai(lai, g_lai, lai_max): """Calculate LAI-related correction coefficient for surface conductance. Parameters ---------- lai : numeric Leaf area index [m2 m-2] g_lai : numeric LAI-related correction parameter [-] lai_max : numeric Maximum LAI [m2 m-2] Returns ------- numeric LAI-related correction coefficient [-] """ g_lai = lai / lai_max * g_lai return g_lai def cal_g_kd(kd, g_kd, kd_max=1200.0): """Calculate solar radiation-related correction coefficient for surface conductance. Parameters ---------- kd : numeric Incoming solar radiation [W m-2] g2 : numeric Solar radiation-related correction parameter [-] kd_max : numeric, optional Maximum incoming solar radiation [W m-2], by default 1200. Returns ------- numeric Solar radiation-related correction coefficient [-] """ g_kd_nom = kd / (g_kd + kd) g_kd_denom = kd_max / (g_kd + kd_max) g_kd = g_kd_nom / g_kd_denom return g_kd def cal_g_dq(dq, g_dq_base, g_dq_shape): """Calculate air humidity-related correction coefficient for surface conductance. Parameters ---------- dq : numeric Specific humidity deficit [g kg-1] g_dq_base : numeric Specific humidity-related correction parameter [-] g_dq_shape : numeric Specific humidity-related correction parameter [-] Returns ------- numeric Air humidity-related correction coefficient """ g_dq = g_dq_base + (1 - g_dq_base) * g_dq_shape ** dq return g_dq def cal_g_ta(ta_c, g_ta, tl=-10.0, th=55.0): """Calculate air temperature-related correction coefficient for surface conductance. Parameters ---------- ta_c : numeric Air temperature [degC] g_ta : numeric Air temperature-related correction parameter tl : numeric, optional Low temperature limit [degC], by default -10. th : numeric, optional High temperature limit [degC], by default 55. Returns ------- numeric Air temperature-related correction coefficient """ tc = (th - g_ta) / (g_ta - tl) # set a threshold for avoiding numeric difficulty tc = np.min([tc, 20]) # g_ta = ((ta_c-tl)*(th-ta_c)**tc)/((g_ta-tl)*(th-g_ta)**tc) g_ta_nom = (ta_c - tl) * np.power((th - ta_c), tc) g_ta_denom = (g_ta - tl) * np.power((th - g_ta), tc) g_ta = g_ta_nom / g_ta_denom return g_ta def cal_g_smd(smd, g_smd, wp_smd): """Calculate soil moisture-related correction coefficient for surface conductance. Parameters ---------- smd : numeric Soil moisture deficit [mm]. g_smd : numeric Soil moisture-related correction parameter. wp_smd : numeric, optional Wilting point indicated by soil moisture deficit [mm] Returns ------- numeric Soil moisture-related correction coefficient """ # Wilting point calculated following SUEWS # wp = wp_smd / g_smd g_smd_nom = 1 - np.exp(g_smd * (smd - wp_smd)) g_smd_denom = 1 - np.exp(g_smd * (0 - wp_smd)) g_smd = g_smd_nom / g_smd_denom return g_smd
[docs] def cal_gs_suews( kd, ta_c, rh, pa, smd, lai, g_cst, g_max, lai_max, wp_smd, debug=False ): """Model surface conductance/resistance using phenology and atmospheric forcing conditions. Parameters ---------- kd : numeric Incoming solar radiation [W m-2] ta_c : numeric Air temperature [degC] rh : numeric Relative humidity [%] pa : numeric Air pressure [Pa] smd : numeric Soil moisture deficit [mm] lai : numeric Leaf area index [m2 m-2] g_cst : size-6 array Parameters to determine surface conductance/resistance: g_lai (LAI related), g_kd (solar radiation related), g_dq_base (humidity related), g_dq_shape (humidity related), g_ta (air temperature related), g_smd (soil moisture related) g_max : numeric Maximum surface conductance [mm s-1] lai_max : numeric Maximum LAI [m2 m-2] wp_smd : numeric Wilting point indicated as soil moisture deficit [mm] Returns ------- numeric Modelled surface conductance [mm s-1] """ from atmosp import calculate as ac # broadcast g_lai – g_smd # print('g_cst', g_cst) g_lai, g2, g_dq_base, g_dq_shape, g_ta, g_smd = g_cst # print(g_lai, g2, g_dq_base, g_dq_shape, g_ta, g_smd) # lai related g_lai = cal_g_lai(lai, g_lai, lai_max) # print('g_lai', g_lai) # kdown related g_kd = cal_g_kd(kd, g2) # print('g_kd', g_kd) # dq related ta_k = ta_c + 273.15 dq = cal_dq(rh, ta_c, pa / 100) * 1000 + rh * 0 g_dq = cal_g_dq(dq, g_dq_base, g_dq_shape) # print('g_dq', g_dq) # ta related ta_c = ta_k - 273.15 g_ta = cal_g_ta(ta_c, g_ta) # print('g_ta', g_ta) # smd related g_smd = cal_g_smd(smd, g_smd, wp_smd) # print('g_smd', g_smd) # combine all corrections gs_c = g_lai * g_kd * g_dq * g_ta * g_smd gs = g_max * gs_c if debug: # pack results into a dataframe df_gs = pd.concat( { "gs_mod": pd.Series(gs), "gs_c": pd.Series(gs_c), "g_lai": pd.Series(g_lai), "g_kd": pd.Series(g_kd), "g_dq": pd.Series(g_dq), "g_ta": pd.Series(g_ta), "g_smd": pd.Series(g_smd), }, axis=1, ) return df_gs else: return gs
[docs] def calib_g( df_fc_suews, ser_ra, g_max, lai_max, wp_smd, method="cobyla", prms_init=None, debug=False, ): """Calibrate parameters for modelling surface conductance over vegetated surfaces using `LMFIT <>`. Parameters ---------- df_fc_suews : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in `SuPy forcing <>`_ format ser_ra: pandas.Series Series with RA, aerodynamic resistance, [s m-1] g_max : numeric Maximum surface conductance [mm s-1] lai_max : numeric Maximum LAI [m2 m-2] wp_smd : numeric Wilting point indicated as soil moisture deficit [mm] method: str, optional Method used in minimisation by `lmfit.minimize`: details refer to its `method<lmfit:minimize>`. prms_init: lmfit.Parameters, optional Initial parameters for calibration debug : bool, optional Option to output final calibrated `ModelResult <lmfit:ModelResult>`, by default False Returns ------- dict, or `ModelResult <lmfit:ModelResult>` if `debug==True` 1. dict: {parameter_name -> best_fit_value} 2. `ModelResult` Note: Parameters for surface conductance: g_lai (LAI related), g2 (solar radiation related), g_dq_base (humidity related), g_dq_shape (humidity related), g_ta (air temperature related), g_smd (soil moisture related) Note ---- For calibration validity, turbulent fluxes, QH and QE, in `df_fc_suews` should ONLY be observations, i.e., interpolated values should be avoided. To do so, please place `np.nan` as missing values for QH and QE. """ from lmfit import Model, Parameter, Parameters list_var_sel = ["qh", "qe", "Tair", "RH", "pres", "kdown", "xsmd", "lai"] df_obs = df_fc_suews[list_var_sel].copy().dropna() # convert to Pa df_obs.pres *= 100 gs_obs = cal_gs_obs( df_obs.qh, df_obs.qe, df_obs.Tair, df_obs.RH, df_obs.pres, ser_ra ) def func_fit_g( kd, ta, rh, pa, smd, lai, g_lai, g_kd, g_dq_base, g_dq_shape, g_ta, g_smd ): gs = cal_gs_suews( kd, ta, rh, pa, smd, lai, [g_lai, g_kd, g_dq_base, g_dq_shape, g_ta, g_smd], g_max, lai_max, wp_smd, ) return gs gmodel = Model( func_fit_g, independent_vars=["lai", "kd", "ta", "rh", "pa", "smd"], param_names=["g_lai", "g_kd", "g_dq_base", "g_dq_shape", "g_ta", "g_smd"], ) if prms_init is None: print("Preset parameters will be loaded!") print("Please use with caution.") prms = Parameters() dict_prms_init = { "lai": 3.5, "kd": 50, "q1": 0.1, "q2": 0.7, "ta": 25, "smd": 0.05, } list_g = ( Parameter(f"g_{var}", val, True, 0, None, None, None) for var, val in dict_prms_init.items() ) prms.add_many(*list_g) # set specific bounds: # g_lai: LAI related prms["g_lai"].set(min=0, max=10) prms["g_kd"].set(min=0, max=300) # g_dq_base, g_dq_shape: specific humidity related prms["g_dq_base"].set(min=0, max=1) prms["g_dq_shape"].set(min=0, max=1) # g_ta: within reasonable temperature ranges prms["g_ta"].set(min=-10, max=55) # g_smd: within sensitive ranges of SMD prms["g_smd"].set(min=0.02, max=0.1) else: print("User provided parameters are loaded!") prms = prms_init # pack into a DataFrame for filtering out nan df_fit = pd.concat([gs_obs.rename("gs_obs"), df_obs], axis=1).dropna() res_fit = df_fit.gs_obs, kd=df_fit.kdown, ta=df_fit.Tair, rh=df_fit.RH, pa=df_fit.pres, smd=df_fit.xsmd, lai=df_fit.lai, params=prms, # useful ones: ['nelder', 'powell', 'cg', 'cobyla', 'bfgs', 'trust-tnc'] method=method, # nan_policy='omit', verbose=True, ) # provide full fitted model if debug == True otherwise only a dict with best fit parameters res = res_fit if debug else res_fit.best_values return res
def fit_g_ta(ser_ta, ser_gs): from lmfit import Model, Parameter, Parameters model_g_ta = Model( cal_g_ta, independent_vars=["ta_c"], param_names=["g_ta", "tl", "th"], ) prms = Parameters() prm_g_ta = Parameter( "g_ta", ser_ta.median(), vary=True, min=ser_ta.min(), max=ser_ta.max() ) prm_tl = Parameter("tl", min=ser_ta.min(), vary=False) prm_th = Parameter("th", ser_ta.max(), vary=False) prms.add_many(prm_g_ta, prm_tl, prm_th) res_fit = / ser_gs.max(), ta_c=ser_ta, params=prms) return res_fit def fit_g_smd(ser_smd, ser_gs, wp_smd): from lmfit import Model, Parameter, Parameters model_g_smd = Model( cal_g_smd, independent_vars=["smd"], param_names=["g_smd", "wp_smd"], ) prms = Parameters() prm_g_smd = Parameter("g_smd", 0.02, vary=True, min=1e-4, max=0.5) prm_wp_smd = Parameter("wp_smd", wp_smd, vary=False) prms.add_many(prm_g_smd, prm_wp_smd) res_fit = / ser_gs.max(), smd=ser_smd, params=prms) return res_fit def fit_g_kd(ser_kd, ser_gs): from lmfit import Model, Parameter, Parameters model_g_kd = Model( cal_g_kd, independent_vars=["kd"], param_names=["g_kd"], ) prms = Parameters() prm_g_kd = Parameter("g_kd", 100, vary=True, min=10, max=300) prms.add(prm_g_kd) res_fit = / ser_gs.max(), kd=ser_kd, params=prms) return res_fit def fit_g_dq(ser_dq, ser_gs): from lmfit import Model, Parameter, Parameters model_g_dq = Model( cal_g_dq, independent_vars=["dq"], param_names=["g_dq_base", "g_dq_shape"], ) prms = Parameters() prm_g_dq_base = Parameter( "g_dq_base", ser_gs.min() / ser_gs.max(), vary=False, ) prm_g_dq_shape = Parameter("g_dq_shape", 0.1, vary=True, min=0.01, max=0.95) prms.add_many(prm_g_dq_base, prm_g_dq_shape) res_fit = / ser_gs.max(), dq=ser_dq, params=prms) return res_fit # NOAH parameterisations # Kdown def cal_g_kd_noah(kd, rgl=30, lai=2, rc_min=200.0, rc_max=5000): f = 0.55 * kd / rgl * 2 / lai g_kd = ((rc_min / rc_max) + f) / (1 + f) return g_kd # humidity def cal_g_dq_noah(dq, hs=31): """Calculate air humidity-related correction coefficient for surface conductance. Parameters ---------- dq : numeric Specific humidity deficit [g kg-1] hs : numeric Specific humidity-related correction parameter [kg g-1] Returns ------- numeric Air humidity-related correction coefficient """ g_dq = 1 / (1 + hs * (dq)) return g_dq # smc def cal_g_swc_noah(swc, q_wilt, q_ref): """Calculate soil moisture-related correction coefficient for surface conductance. Parameters ---------- swc : numeric Soil water content (volumetric) [m3 m-3]. q_wilt : numeric wilting point [m3 m-3]. q_ref : numeric reference point [m3 m-3]. Returns ------- numeric Soil moisture-related correction coefficient """ # Wilting point calculated following SUEWS # wp = wp_smd / g_smd g_swc = (swc - q_wilt) / (q_ref - q_wilt) return g_swc def cal_g_ta_noah(ta_c, b1=0.0016, tref=298 - 273.15): """Calculate air temperature-related correction coefficient for surface conductance. Parameters ---------- ta_c : numeric Air temperature [degC] b1 : numeric Air temperature-related correction parameter tref : numeric, optional Low temperature limit [K] Returns ------- numeric Air temperature-related correction coefficient """ g_ta = 1 - b1 * (tref - ta_c) ** 2 return g_ta def deriv_g_ta_noah(b1): ar_ta = np.linspace(-10, 50, 100) ser_ta = pd.Series(ar_ta, index=ar_ta) ser_g = cal_g_ta_noah(ser_ta, b1) res_fit = fit_g_ta(ser_ta, ser_g) return res_fit def deriv_g_dq_noah(hs): ar_dq = np.linspace(0, 20, 100) ser_dq = pd.Series(ar_dq*1e-3, index=ar_dq) ser_g = cal_g_dq_noah(ser_dq, hs) res_fit = fit_g_dq(ser_dq*1e3, ser_g) return res_fit def deriv_g_kd_noah(rgl, lai, rc_min): ar_kd = np.linspace(10, 1200, 100) ser_kd = pd.Series(ar_kd, index=ar_kd) ser_g = cal_g_kd_noah(ser_kd, rgl, lai, rc_min) res_fit = fit_g_kd(ser_kd, ser_g) return res_fit def deriv_g_smd_noah(dsoil, q_wilt, q_ref): """Calculate soil moisture-related correction coefficient for surface conductance. Parameters ---------- dsoil : numeric soil depth [mm]. q_wilt : numeric wilting point [m3 m-3]. q_ref : numeric reference point [m3 m-3]. Returns ------- model fit result """ ar_swc = np.linspace(q_wilt, q_ref, 100) ser_swc = pd.Series(ar_swc, index=ar_swc) ser_g = cal_g_swc_noah(ser_swc, q_wilt, q_ref) ser_smd = dsoil * (q_ref - ser_swc) wp_smd = dsoil * (q_ref - q_wilt) res_fit = fit_g_smd(ser_smd, ser_g, wp_smd) return res_fit