Documentation of SUEWS source code
allocatearray Module Reference


integer, parameter maxnumberofgrids = 10000
integer, parameter maxlinesmet = 8640
integer, parameter nsurf = 7
integer, parameter nvegsurf = 3
integer, parameter nsurfincsnow = nsurf + 1
integer, parameter ndepth = 5
integer, parameter nlayer_max = 100
integer, parameter nspec = 1
integer, parameter nsw = 1
integer, parameter nlw = 1
integer, parameter ncol = 1
integer, parameter pavsurf = 1
integer, parameter bldgsurf = 2
integer, parameter conifsurf = 3
integer, parameter decidsurf = 4
integer, parameter grasssurf = 5
integer, parameter bsoilsurf = 6
integer, parameter watersurf = 7
integer, parameter excesssurf = 8
integer, parameter nsurfdonotreceivedrainage = 0
integer, parameter ivconif = 1
integer, parameter ivdecid = 2
integer, parameter ivgrass = 3
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsfr_surf
integer, parameter ncolumnssiteselect = 105
integer, parameter ncolumnsnonveg = 24
integer, parameter ncolumnsveg = 38
integer, parameter ncolumnswater = 22
integer, parameter ncolumnssnow = 25
integer, parameter ncolumnssoil = 9
integer, parameter ncolumnsconductance = 13
integer, parameter ncolumnsohmcoefficients = 4
integer, parameter ncolumnsestmcoefficients = 52
integer, parameter ncolumnsanthropogenic = 39
integer, parameter ncolumnsirrigation = 26
integer, parameter ncolumnsprofiles = 25
integer, parameter ncolumnswgwaterdist = 10
integer, parameter ncolumnsbiogen = 9
integer, parameter ncolumnsmetforcingdata = 24
integer, parameter ncolsestmdata = 13
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutsuews = 87
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutsnow = 103
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutsolweig = 31
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutbeers = 34
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutbl = 22
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutestm = 5 + 27
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutehc = 5 + 7*2 + 15*(1 + 4 + 2)*2
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutdailystate = 49
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutrsl = 30*4 + 5 + 13 + 2
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutdebug = 5 + 103 + 14 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 1
integer, parameter ncolumnsdataoutspartacus = 5 + 7 + 4*15 + 3 + 6*15 + 2*15 + 4
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssiteselectheadersiteselect_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsnonvegheadernonveg_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsnonvegheadernonveg_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsvegheaderveg_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsvegheaderveg_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnswaterheaderwater_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnswaterheaderwater_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssnowheadersnow_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssnowheadersnow_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssoilheadersoil_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssoilheadersoil_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsconductanceheadercond_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsconductanceheadercond_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsohmcoefficientsheaderohmcoefficients_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsohmcoefficientsheaderohmcoefficients_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsestmcoefficientsheaderestmcoefficients_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsestmcoefficientsheaderestmcoefficients_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsanthropogenicheaderanthropogenic_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsanthropogenicheaderanthropogenic_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsirrigationheaderirrigation_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsirrigationheaderirrigation_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsprofilesheaderprofiles_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsprofilesheaderprofiles_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnswgwaterdistheaderwgwaterdist_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnswgwaterdistheaderwgwaterdist_reqd
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsbiogenheaderbiogen_file
character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsbiogenheaderbiogen_reqd
integer, dimension(:), allocatable usecolumnsdataout
character(len=14 *ncolumnsdataoutsuewsheaderuse
character(len=14 *ncolumnsdataoutsuewsformatuse
character(len=14 *ncolumnsdataoutsuewsheaderusenosep
character(len=14 *ncolumnsdataoutsuewsformatusenosep
character(len=52 *ncolumnsdataoutsuewslongnmuse
character(len=14 *ncolumnsdataoutsuewsunitsuse
character(len=3 *ncolumnsdataoutsuewsaggreguse
character(len=4 *ncolumnsdataoutsuewscolnosuse
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable siteselect
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable nonveg_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable veg_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable water_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable snow_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable soil_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable conductance_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable ohmcoefficients_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable estmcoefficients_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable anthropogenic_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable irrigation_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable profiles_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable wgwaterdist_coeff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable biogen_coeff
integer, dimension(:), allocatable grididmatrix
integer, dimension(:), allocatable grididmatrix0
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable surfacechar
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable metforcingdata
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable metforcingdata_grid
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable estmforcingdata
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable modeldailystate
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable dailystatefirstopen
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable modeloutputdata
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutsuews
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutrsl
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutbl
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutsolweig
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutbeers
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutdebug
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutspartacus
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutsnow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutestm
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutehc
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dataoutdailystate
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(5) datetimeline
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutsuews - 5) dataoutlinesuews
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutsnow - 5) dataoutlinesnow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutrsl - 5+12) dataoutlinersl
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutsolweig - 5) dataoutlinesolweig
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutbeers - 5) dataoutlinebeers
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutdebugdataoutlinedebug
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutspartacusdataoutlinespartacus
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutdailystate - 5) dailystateline
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable metfordisagg
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable metfordisaggprev
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable metfordisaggnext
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable estmfordisagg
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable estmfordisaggprev
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable estmfordisaggnext
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) ahprof_24hr
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) humactivity_24hr
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) traffprof_24hr
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) popprof_24hr
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) wuprofm_24hr
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) wuprofa_24hr
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable ts5mindata
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable ts5mindata_ir
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable tair24hr
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutestm - 5) dataoutlineestm
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutehc - 5) dataoutlineehc
integer ctp_enusewd = 1
integer ctp_enusewe = 2
integer ctp_wumanuwd = 3
integer ctp_wumanuwe = 4
integer ctp_wuautowd = 5
integer ctp_wuautowe = 6
integer ctp_snowcwd = 7
integer ctp_snowcwe = 8
integer ctp_humactivitywd = 9
integer ctp_humactivitywe = 10
integer ctp_traffprofwd = 11
integer ctp_traffprofwe = 12
integer ctp_popprofwd = 13
integer ctp_popprofwe = 14
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfaddwater
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfaddwaterrunoff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfchang
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfdrain
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfevap
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfrunoff
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfrunoffsoil
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsmd_nsurf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsmd_nsurfout
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsoilstore_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsoilstoreold
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfstate_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfstateout
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfstateold
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfrss_nsurf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfwetthresh_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfstatelimit_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(1) waterdepth
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsathydraulicconduct
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsoildepth
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsoilstorecap_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf+1, nsurf - 1) waterdist
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(6, nsurfstoredrainprm
integer, parameter ndays = 366
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfgdd_id
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfgdd_id_prev
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfsdd_id
real(kind(1d0)) tmin_id
real(kind(1d0)) tmax_id
real(kind(1d0)) lenday_id
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(12) hdd_id
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(9) wuday_id
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(9) wuday_id_prev
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurflai_id
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurflai_id_prev
real(kind(1d0)) albmin_dectr
real(kind(1d0)) albmax_dectr
real(kind(1d0)) capmin_dec
real(kind(1d0)) capmax_dec
real(kind(1d0)) pormin_dec
real(kind(1d0)) pormax_dec
real(kind(1d0)) albmin_evetr
real(kind(1d0)) albmax_evetr
real(kind(1d0)) albmin_grass
real(kind(1d0)) albmax_grass
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf, maxnumberofgridsgdd_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf, maxnumberofgridssdd_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridstmin_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridstmax_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridslenday_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(12, maxnumberofgridshdd_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(9, maxnumberofgridswuday_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf, maxnumberofgridslai_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsdecidcap_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsalbdectr_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsalbevetr_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsalbgrass_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsporosity_id_grids
real(kind(1d0)) decidcap_id
real(kind(1d0)) albdectr_id
real(kind(1d0)) albevetr_id
real(kind(1d0)) albgrass_id
real(kind(1d0)) porosity_id
real(kind(1d0)) xbo
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfbaset
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfbasete
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfgddfull
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfsddfull
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurflaimin
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurflaimax
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfmaxconductance
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(4, nvegsurflaipower
integer, dimension(nvegsurflaitype
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfbiogenco2code
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfalpha_bioco2
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfbeta_bioco2
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurftheta_bioco2
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfalpha_enh_bioco2
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfbeta_enh_bioco2
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfresp_a
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfresp_b
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurfmin_res_bioco2
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfalb
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfemis
real(kind(1d0)) bulkalbedo
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurftsurf_ind
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurftsurf_ind_snow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurftsurf_ind_nosnow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfkup_ind
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfkup_ind_snow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfkup_ind_nosnow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurflup_ind
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurflup_ind_snow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurflup_ind_nosnow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfqn1_ind
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfqn1_ind_snow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfqn1_ind_nosnow
real(kind(1d0)) narp_lat
real(kind(1d0)) narp_long
real(kind(1d0)) narp_year
real(kind(1d0)) narp_tz
real(kind(1d0)) narp_alb_snow
real(kind(1d0)) narp_emis_snow
real(kind(1d0)) narp_trans_site
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(365) narp_g
integer narp_nperhour
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable narp_kdown_hr
real(kind(1d0)), parameter deg2rad = 0.017453292
real(kind(1d0)), parameter rad2deg = 57.29577951
real(kind(1d0)), parameter sigma_sb = 5.67E-8
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf+1, 4, 3) ohm_coef
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf+1) ohm_threshsw
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf+1) ohm_threshwd
real(kind(1d0)) a1
real(kind(1d0)) a2
real(kind(1d0)) a3
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable tair_av_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable qn_av_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable qn_s_av_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable dqndt_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable dqnsdt_grids
real(kind(1d0)) qn_av
real(kind(1d0)) dqndt
real(kind(1d0)) tair_av
real(kind(1d0)) qn_s_av
real(kind(1d0)) dqnsdt
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfchangsnow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfmaxsnowvol
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsnowwater
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfev_snow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfmw_ind
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfmw_indday
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfrunoffsnow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsnowdens
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsnowfrac
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurficefrac
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsnowinit
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsnowdepth
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsnowtosurf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfvolswe
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfstatefraction
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurffreezmelt
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfqm_freezstate
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurffreezstate
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurffreezstatevol
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfqm_melt
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfqm_rain
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfrainonsnow
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsnowpacklimit
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfdeltaqi
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf, maxnumberofgridsicefrac_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsnowpack
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfsnowpackold
integer, dimension(nsurfheig
integer, dimension(nsurfsnowcoverforms
integer, dimension(nsurfsnowcalcswitch = 0
integer, parameter nconns = 8
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nconnsgridtofrac
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nconnsgridto
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsa1anohm
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsa2anohm
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsa3anohm
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsmahanohm
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsboanohmstart
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgridsboanohmend
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfcpanohm
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfkkanohm
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurfchanohm
integer nlayer
integer, dimension(:), allocatable nlayer_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable sfr_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable tsfc_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable k_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable cp_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable dz_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable tin_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable alb_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable emis_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable state_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable statelimit_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable wetthresh_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable soilstore_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable soilstorecap_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable temp_roof
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable tsfc_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable sfr_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable k_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable cp_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dz_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable tin_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable alb_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable emis_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable state_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable statelimit_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable wetthresh_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable soilstore_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable soilstorecap_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable temp_roof_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable sfr_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable tsfc_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable k_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable cp_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable dz_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable tin_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable alb_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable emis_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable state_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable statelimit_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable wetthresh_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable soilstore_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable soilstorecap_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable temp_wall
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable tsfc_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable sfr_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable k_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable cp_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dz_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable tin_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable alb_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable emis_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable state_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable statelimit_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable wetthresh_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable soilstore_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable soilstorecap_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable temp_wall_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable tsfc_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable k_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable cp_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable dz_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable tin_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable temp_surf
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable tsfc_surf_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable k_surf_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable cp_surf_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable dz_surf_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable tin_surf_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable temp_surf_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable height
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable building_frac
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable veg_frac
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable building_scale
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable veg_scale
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable veg_ext
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable veg_fsd
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable veg_contact_fraction
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable roof_albedo_dir_mult_fact
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable wall_specular_frac
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable height_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable building_frac_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable veg_frac_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable building_scale_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable veg_scale_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable veg_ext_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable veg_fsd_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable veg_contact_fraction_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable roof_albedo_dir_mult_fact_grids
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable wall_specular_frac_grids
integer n_vegetation_region_urban
integer n_stream_sw_urban
integer n_stream_lw_urban
real(kind(1d0)) sw_dn_direct_frac
real(kind(1d0)) air_ext_sw
real(kind(1d0)) air_ssa_sw
real(kind(1d0)) veg_ssa_sw
real(kind(1d0)) air_ext_lw
real(kind(1d0)) air_ssa_lw
real(kind(1d0)) veg_ssa_lw
real(kind(1d0)) veg_fsd_const
real(kind(1d0)) veg_contact_fraction_const
real(kind(1d0)) ground_albedo_dir_mult_fact
logical use_sw_direct_albedo
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(5, nsurfincsnowzsurf_suewssurfs
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(5, nsurfincsnowksurf_suewssurfs
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(5, nsurfincsnowrsurf_suewssurfs
integer cc
integer, parameter ccendsi = ncolumnsSiteSelect
integer, dimension(nsurfc_albmin = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 0*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_albmax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 1*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_emis = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 2*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_stormin = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 3*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_stormax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 4*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wetthresh = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 5*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_statelimit = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 6*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 6*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_dreq = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 7*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 7*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_drcoef1 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 8*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 8*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_drcoef2 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 9*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 9*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_soiltcode = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 10*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 10*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_snowlimpat = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 11*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 11*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_snowlimrem = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 12*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 12*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_cpanohm = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 13*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 13*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_kkanohm = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 14*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 14*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_chanohm = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 15*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 15*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, parameter ccendi = (ccEndSI + 15*nsurf + nsurf)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_baset = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 0*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 0*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_basete = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 1*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 1*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_gddfull = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 2*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 2*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_sddfull = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 3*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 3*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_laimin = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 4*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 4*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_laimax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 5*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 5*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_porositymin = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 6*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 6*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_porositymax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 7*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 7*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_gsmax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 8*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 8*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_laieq = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 9*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 9*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_leafgp1 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 10*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 10*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_leafgp2 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 11*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 11*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_leafop1 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 12*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 12*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_leafop2 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 13*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 13*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_biogenco2code = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 14*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 14*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, parameter ccendp = (ccEndI + 14*nvegsurf + nvegsurf)
integer c_waterdepth = (ccEndP + 1)
integer, parameter ccendw = (ccEndP + 1)
integer c_snowrmfactor = (ccEndW + 1)
integer c_snowtmfactor = (ccEndW + 2)
integer c_snowalbmin = (ccEndW + 3)
integer c_snowalbmax = (ccEndW + 4)
integer c_snowemis = (ccEndW + 6)
integer c_snowtau_a = (ccEndW + 7)
integer c_snowtau_f = (ccEndW + 8)
integer c_snowplimalb = (ccEndW + 9)
integer c_snowsdmin = (ccEndW + 10)
integer c_snowsdmax = (ccEndW + 11)
integer c_snowtau_r = (ccEndW + 12)
integer c_snowcrwmin = (ccEndW + 13)
integer c_snowcrwmax = (ccEndW + 14)
integer c_snowplimsnow = (ccEndW + 15)
integer, parameter ccendsn = (ccEndW + 15)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_soildepth = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 0*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_soilstcap = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 1*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_ksat = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 2*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_soildens = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 3*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_soilinfrate = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 4*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_obssmdepth = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 5*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_obssmmax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 6*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 6*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_obssnrfrac = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 7*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 7*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, parameter ccendso = (ccEndSn + 7*nsurf + nsurf)
integer c_gsg1 = (ccEndSo + 1)
integer c_gsg2 = (ccEndSo + 2)
integer c_gsg3 = (ccEndSo + 3)
integer c_gsg4 = (ccEndSo + 4)
integer c_gsg5 = (ccEndSo + 5)
integer c_gsg6 = (ccEndSo + 6)
integer c_gsth = (ccEndSo + 7)
integer c_gstl = (ccEndSo + 8)
integer c_gss1 = (ccEndSo + 9)
integer c_gss2 = (ccEndSo + 10)
integer c_gskmax = (ccEndSo + 11)
integer c_gsmodel = (ccEndSo + 12)
integer, parameter ccendgs = (ccEndSo + 12)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_ohmcode_swet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 0*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 0*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_ohmcode_sdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 1*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 1*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_ohmcode_wwet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 2*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 2*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_ohmcode_wdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 3*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 3*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a1_swet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 4*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 4*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a2_swet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 5*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 5*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a3_swet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 6*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 6*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a1_sdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 7*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 7*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a2_sdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 8*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 8*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a3_sdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 9*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 9*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a1_wwet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 10*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 10*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a2_wwet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 11*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 11*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a3_wwet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 12*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 12*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a1_wdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 13*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 13*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a2_wdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 14*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 14*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_a3_wdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 15*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 15*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_ohmthresh_sw = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 16*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 16*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_ohmthresh_wd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 17*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 17*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_estmcode = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 18*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 18*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)
integer, parameter ccendo = (ccEndGs + 18*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow)
integer c_baset_hc = (ccEndO + 1)
integer c_qf_a1 = (ccEndO + 2)
integer c_qf_b1 = (ccEndO + 3)
integer c_qf_c1 = (ccEndO + 4)
integer c_qf_a2 = (ccEndO + 5)
integer c_qf_b2 = (ccEndO + 6)
integer c_qf_c2 = (ccEndO + 7)
integer c_ahmin_wd = (ccEndO + 8)
integer c_ahmin_we = (ccEndO + 9)
integer c_ahslopeheating_wd = (ccEndO + 10)
integer c_ahslopeheating_we = (ccEndO + 11)
integer c_ahslopecooling_wd = (ccEndO + 12)
integer c_ahslopecooling_we = (ccEndO + 13)
integer c_tcriticheating_we = (ccEndO + 14)
integer c_tcriticheating_wd = (ccEndO + 15)
integer c_tcriticcooling_we = (ccEndO + 16)
integer c_tcriticcooling_wd = (ccEndO + 17)
integer c_enprofwd = (ccEndO + 18)
integer c_enprofwe = (ccEndO + 19)
integer c_co2mwd = (ccEndO + 20)
integer c_co2mwe = (ccEndO + 21)
integer c_traffprofwd = (ccEndO + 22)
integer c_traffprofwe = (ccEndO + 23)
integer c_popprofwd = (ccEndO + 24)
integer c_popprofwe = (ccEndO + 25)
integer c_minqfmetab = (ccEndO + 26)
integer c_maxqfmetab = (ccEndO + 27)
integer c_minfcmetab = (ccEndO + 28)
integer c_maxfcmetab = (ccEndO + 29)
integer c_frpddwe = (ccEndO + 30)
integer c_frfossilfuel_heat = (ccEndO + 31)
integer c_frfossilfuel_nonheat = (ccEndO + 32)
integer c_ef_umolco2perj = (ccEndO + 33)
integer c_enef_v_jkm = (ccEndO + 34)
integer c_fcef_v_kgkmwd = (ccEndO + 35)
integer c_fcef_v_kgkmwe = (ccEndO + 36)
integer c_co2pointsource = (ccEndO + 37)
integer c_trafficunits = (ccEndO + 38)
integer, parameter ccenda = (ccEndO + 38)
integer c_iestart = (ccEndA + 1)
integer c_ieend = (ccEndA + 2)
integer c_intwu = (ccEndA + 3)
integer c_faut = (ccEndA + 4)
integer c_h_maintain = (ccEndA + 5)
integer, dimension(3) c_ie_a = (/(cc, cc=ccEndA + 5 + 0*3 + 1, ccEndA + 5 + 0*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_ie_m = (/(cc, cc=ccEndA + 5 + 1*3 + 1, ccEndA + 5 + 1*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(7) c_daywat = (/(cc, cc=ccEndA + 11 + 0*7 + 1, ccEndA + 11 + 0*7 + 7, 1)/)
integer, dimension(7) c_daywatper = (/(cc, cc=ccEndA + 11 + 1*7 + 1, ccEndA + 11 + 1*7 + 7, 1)/)
integer, parameter ccendir = (ccEndA + 11 + 1*7 + 7)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofenusewd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 0*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 0*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofenusewe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 1*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 1*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofwumanuwd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 2*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 2*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofwumanuwe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 3*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 3*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofwuautowd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 4*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 4*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofwuautowe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 5*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 5*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofsnowcwd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 6*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 6*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofsnowcwe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 7*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 7*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofhumactivitywd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 8*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 8*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofhumactivitywe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 9*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 9*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrproftraffwd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 10*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 10*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrproftraffwe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 11*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 11*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofpopwd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 12*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 12*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, dimension(24) c_hrprofpopwe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 13*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 13*24 + 24, 1)/)
integer, parameter ccendpr = (ccEndIr + 13*24 + 24)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wgtopaved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 0*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wgtobldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 1*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wgtoevetr = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 2*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wgtodectr = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 3*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wgtograss = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 4*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wgtobsoil = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 5*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wgtowater = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 6*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 6*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wgtorunoff = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 7*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 7*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfc_wgtosoilstore = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 8*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 8*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, parameter cbendwg = (ccEndPr + 8*nsurf + nsurf)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_alpha_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 0*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 0*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_beta_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 1*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 1*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_theta_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 2*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 2*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_alpha_enh_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 3*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 3*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_beta_enh_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 4*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 4*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_resp_a = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 5*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 5*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_resp_b = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 6*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 6*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nvegsurfc_min_res_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 7*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 7*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)
integer, parameter ccendb = (cBEndWG + 7*nvegsurf + nvegsurf)
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_thick1 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 0*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 0*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_k1 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 1*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 1*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_rhocp1 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 2*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 2*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_thick2 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 3*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 3*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_k2 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 4*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 4*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_rhocp2 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 5*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 5*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_thick3 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 6*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 6*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_k3 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 7*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 7*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_rhocp3 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 8*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 8*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_thick4 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 9*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 9*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_k4 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 10*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 10*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_rhocp4 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 11*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 11*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_thick5 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 12*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 12*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_k5 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 13*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 13*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, dimension(nsurfincsnowc_surf_rhocp5 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 14*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 14*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]
integer, parameter ccendestmb = (ccEndB + 14*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow)
integer c_wall_thick1 = (ccEndESTMB + 1)
integer c_wall_k1 = (ccEndESTMB + 2)
integer c_wall_rhocp1 = (ccEndESTMB + 3)
integer c_wall_thick2 = (ccEndESTMB + 4)
integer c_wall_k2 = (ccEndESTMB + 5)
integer c_wall_rhocp2 = (ccEndESTMB + 6)
integer c_wall_thick3 = (ccEndESTMB + 7)
integer c_wall_k3 = (ccEndESTMB + 8)
integer c_wall_rhocp3 = (ccEndESTMB + 9)
integer c_wall_thick4 = (ccEndESTMB + 10)
integer c_wall_k4 = (ccEndESTMB + 11)
integer c_wall_rhocp4 = (ccEndESTMB + 12)
integer c_wall_thick5 = (ccEndESTMB + 13)
integer c_wall_k5 = (ccEndESTMB + 14)
integer c_wall_rhocp5 = (ccEndESTMB + 15)
integer c_internal_thick1 = (ccEndESTMB + 16)
integer c_internal_k1 = (ccEndESTMB + 17)
integer c_internal_rhocp1 = (ccEndESTMB + 18)
integer c_internal_thick2 = (ccEndESTMB + 19)
integer c_internal_k2 = (ccEndESTMB + 20)
integer c_internal_rhocp2 = (ccEndESTMB + 21)
integer c_internal_thick3 = (ccEndESTMB + 22)
integer c_internal_k3 = (ccEndESTMB + 23)
integer c_internal_rhocp3 = (ccEndESTMB + 24)
integer c_internal_thick4 = (ccEndESTMB + 25)
integer c_internal_k4 = (ccEndESTMB + 26)
integer c_internal_rhocp4 = (ccEndESTMB + 27)
integer c_internal_thick5 = (ccEndESTMB + 28)
integer c_internal_k5 = (ccEndESTMB + 29)
integer c_internal_rhocp5 = (ccEndESTMB + 30)
integer c_nroom = (ccEndESTMB + 31)
integer c_alb_ibld = (ccEndESTMB + 32)
integer c_em_ibld = (ccEndESTMB + 33)
integer c_ch_iwall = (ccEndESTMB + 34)
integer c_ch_iroof = (ccEndESTMB + 35)
integer c_ch_ibld = (ccEndESTMB + 36)
integer, parameter ccendestmm = (ccEndESTMB + 36)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_thick1_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 0*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 0*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_k1_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 1*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 1*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_rhocp1_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 2*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 2*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_thick2_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 3*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 3*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_k2_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 4*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 4*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_rhocp2_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 5*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 5*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_thick3_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 6*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 6*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_k3_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 7*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 7*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_rhocp3_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 8*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 8*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_thick4_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 9*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 9*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_k4_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 10*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 10*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_rhocp4_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 11*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 11*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_thick5_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 12*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 12*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_k5_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 13*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 13*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, dimension(3) c_surf_rhocp5_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 14*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 14*3 + 3, 1)/)
integer, parameter ccendestmmp = (ccEndESTMM + 14*3 + 3)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_thick1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 0*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 0*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_k1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 1*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 1*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_rhocp1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 2*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 2*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_thick2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 3*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 3*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_k2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 4*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 4*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_rhocp2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 5*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 5*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_thick3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 6*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 6*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_k3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 7*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 7*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_rhocp3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 8*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 8*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_thick4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 9*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 9*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_k4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 10*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 10*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_rhocp4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 11*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 11*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_thick5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 12*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 12*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_k5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 13*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 13*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_surf_rhocp5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 14*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 14*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_thick1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 15*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 15*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_k1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 16*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 16*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_rhocp1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 17*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 17*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_thick2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 18*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 18*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_k2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 19*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 19*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_rhocp2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 20*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 20*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_thick3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 21*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 21*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_k3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 22*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 22*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_rhocp3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 23*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 23*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_thick4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 24*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 24*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_k4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 25*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 25*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_rhocp4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 26*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 26*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_thick5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 27*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 27*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_k5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 28*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 28*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_wall_rhocp5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 29*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 29*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_thick1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 30*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 30*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_k1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 31*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 31*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_rhocp1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 32*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 32*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_thick2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 33*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 33*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_k2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 34*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 34*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_rhocp2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 35*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 35*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_thick3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 36*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 36*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_k3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 37*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 37*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_rhocp3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 38*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 38*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_thick4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 39*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 39*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_k4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 40*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 40*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_rhocp4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 41*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 41*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_thick5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 42*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 42*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_k5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 43*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 43*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_internal_rhocp5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5, 1)/)
integer, dimension(5) c_nroom_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 1)
integer, dimension(5) c_alb_ibld_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 2)
integer, dimension(5) c_em_ibld_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 3)
integer, dimension(5) c_ch_iwall_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 4)
integer, dimension(5) c_ch_iroof_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 5)
integer, dimension(5) c_ch_ibld_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 6)
integer, parameter maxncols_c = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 6)
integer, parameter ccmod = 32
integer, dimension(nsurfcmod_state = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 0*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfcmod_soilstate = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 1*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfcmod_snowwaterstate = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 2*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfcmod_snowpack = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 3*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfcmod_snowfrac = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 4*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, dimension(nsurfcmod_snowdens = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 5*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, parameter maxncols_cmod = ccMOD + 5*nsurf + nsurf
integer, parameter ccmds = 30
integer, dimension(nsurfcmds_snowdens = (/(cc, cc=ccMDS + 0*nsurf + 1, ccMDS + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)
integer, parameter maxncols_cmds = ccMDS + 0*nsurf + nsurf
integer, parameter cts_iy = 1
integer, parameter cts_id = 2
integer, parameter cts_it = 3
integer, parameter cts_imin = 4
integer, parameter cts_tiair = 5
integer, parameter cts_tsurf = 6
integer, parameter cts_troof = 7
integer, parameter cts_troad = 8
integer, parameter cts_twall = 9
integer, parameter cts_twall_n = 10
integer, parameter cts_twall_e = 11
integer, parameter cts_twall_s = 12
integer, parameter cts_twall_w = 13

Variable Documentation

◆ a1

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::a1

Definition at line 420 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

420 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: a1, a2, a3 !OHM coefficients, a1 [-]; a2 [h]; a3 [W m-2]

Referenced by rsl_module::cal_beta_rsl().

◆ a1anohm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::a1anohm

Definition at line 481 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

481 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: a1AnOHM, a2AnOHM, a3AnOHM ! OHM coefficients, a1 [-]; a2 [h]; a3 [W m-2]

◆ a2

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::a2

◆ a2anohm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::a2anohm

Definition at line 481 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ a3

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::a3

◆ a3anohm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::a3anohm

Definition at line 481 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ addwater

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::addwater

Definition at line 230 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

230 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: AddWater !Water from other surfaces (WGWaterDist in SUEWS_ReDistributeWater.f95) [mm]

◆ addwaterrunoff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::addwaterrunoff

Definition at line 231 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

231 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: AddWaterRunoff !Fraction of water going to runoff/sub-surface soil (WGWaterDist) [-]

◆ aggreguse

character(len=3*ncolumnsdataoutsuews) allocatearray::aggreguse

Definition at line 127 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

127 CHARACTER(len=3*ncolumnsDataOutSUEWS) :: AggregUse

◆ ahprof_24hr

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) allocatearray::ahprof_24hr

Definition at line 195 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

195 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(0:23, 2) :: AHProf_24hr !Anthropogenic heat profiles for (1)weekdays / (2)weekends

◆ air_ext_lw

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::air_ext_lw

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ air_ext_sw

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::air_ext_sw

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ air_ssa_lw

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::air_ssa_lw

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ air_ssa_sw

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::air_ssa_sw

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ alb

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::alb

Definition at line 386 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

386 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: alb !Albedo of each surface type [-]

Referenced by estm_module::estm_translate().

◆ alb_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::alb_roof

Definition at line 501 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

501 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: alb_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ alb_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::alb_roof_grids

Definition at line 516 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

516 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: alb_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ alb_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::alb_wall

Definition at line 532 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

532 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: alb_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ alb_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::alb_wall_grids

Definition at line 547 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

547 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: alb_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ albdectr_id

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::albdectr_id

Definition at line 333 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

333 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: albDecTr_id

◆ albdectr_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::albdectr_id_grids

Definition at line 327 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

327 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: albDecTr_id_grids

◆ albevetr_id

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::albevetr_id

Definition at line 334 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

334 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: albEveTr_id

◆ albevetr_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::albevetr_id_grids

Definition at line 328 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

328 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: albEveTr_id_grids

◆ albgrass_id

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::albgrass_id

Definition at line 335 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

335 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: albGrass_id

◆ albgrass_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::albgrass_id_grids

Definition at line 329 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

329 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: albGrass_id_grids

◆ albmax_dectr

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::albmax_dectr

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ albmax_evetr

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::albmax_evetr

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ albmax_grass

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::albmax_grass

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ albmin_dectr

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::albmin_dectr

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

292 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: AlbMin_DecTr, & !Min albedo for deciduous trees [-]
293 AlbMax_DecTr, & !Max albedo for deciduous trees [-]
294 CapMin_dec, & !Min storage capacity for deciduous trees [mm] (from input information)
295 CapMax_dec, & !Max storage capacity for deciduous trees [mm] (from input information)
296 PorMin_dec, & !Min porosity for deciduous trees
297 PorMax_dec, & !Max porosity for deciduous trees
298 AlbMin_EveTr, & !Min albedo for evergreen trees [-]
299 AlbMax_EveTr, & !Max albedo for evergreen trees [-]
300 AlbMin_Grass, & !Min albedo for grass [-]
301 AlbMax_Grass !Max albedo for grass [-]

◆ albmin_evetr

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::albmin_evetr

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ albmin_grass

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::albmin_grass

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ alpha_bioco2

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::alpha_bioco2

Definition at line 369 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ alpha_enh_bioco2

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::alpha_enh_bioco2

Definition at line 369 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ anthropogenic_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::anthropogenic_coeff

Definition at line 140 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

140 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: Anthropogenic_Coeff !Coefficients for AnthropogenicEmissions

Referenced by codematchanthropogenic().

◆ baset

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::baset

Definition at line 357 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

357 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: BaseT !Base temperature for growing degree days [degC]

◆ basete

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::basete

Definition at line 358 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

358 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: BaseTe !Base temperature for senescence degree days [degC]

◆ beta_bioco2

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::beta_bioco2

Definition at line 369 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ beta_enh_bioco2

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::beta_enh_bioco2

Definition at line 369 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ biogen_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::biogen_coeff

Definition at line 144 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

144 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: Biogen_Coeff !Coefficients for BiogenCO2

Referenced by codematchbiogen().

◆ biogenco2code

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::biogenco2code

Definition at line 369 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

369 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: BiogenCO2Code, & !Biogenic CO2 Code for SUEWS_BiogenCO2.txt
370 alpha_bioCO2, &
371 beta_bioCO2, &
372 theta_bioCO2, &
373 alpha_enh_bioCO2, &
374 beta_enh_bioCO2, &
375 resp_a, &
376 resp_b, &
377 min_res_bioCO2

◆ bldgsurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::bldgsurf = 2

◆ boanohmend

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::boanohmend

Definition at line 484 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

484 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: BoAnOHMEnd ! final Bo for interation [-]

◆ boanohmstart

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::boanohmstart

Definition at line 483 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

483 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: BoAnOHMStart ! initial Bo for interation [-]

◆ bsoilsurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::bsoilsurf = 6

◆ building_frac

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::building_frac

Definition at line 577 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

577 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: building_frac

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ building_frac_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::building_frac_grids

Definition at line 592 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

592 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: building_frac_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ building_scale

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::building_scale

Definition at line 579 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

579 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: building_scale

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ building_scale_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::building_scale_grids

Definition at line 594 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

594 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: building_scale_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ bulkalbedo

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::bulkalbedo

Definition at line 389 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

389 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: bulkalbedo !Bulk albedo for whole surface (areally-weighted)

◆ c_a1_sdry

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a1_sdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 7*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 7*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 739 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

739 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a1_SDry = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 7*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
740 ccendgs + 7*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a1 (summer dry)

◆ c_a1_swet

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a1_swet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 4*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 4*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 733 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

733 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a1_SWet = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 4*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
734 ccendgs + 4*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a1 (summer wet)

◆ c_a1_wdry

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a1_wdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 13*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 13*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 751 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

751 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a1_WDry = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 13*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
752 ccendgs + 13*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a1 (winter dry)

◆ c_a1_wwet

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a1_wwet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 10*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 10*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 745 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

745 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a1_WWet = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 10*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
746 ccendgs + 10*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a1 (winter wet)

◆ c_a2_sdry

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a2_sdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 8*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 8*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 741 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

741 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a2_SDry = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 8*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
742 ccendgs + 8*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a2 (summer dry)

◆ c_a2_swet

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a2_swet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 5*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 5*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 735 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

735 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a2_SWet = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 5*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
736 ccendgs + 5*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a2 (summer wet)

◆ c_a2_wdry

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a2_wdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 14*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 14*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 753 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

753 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a2_WDry = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 14*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
754 ccendgs + 14*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a2 (winter dry)

◆ c_a2_wwet

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a2_wwet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 11*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 11*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 747 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

747 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a2_WWet = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 11*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
748 ccendgs + 11*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a2 (winter wet)

◆ c_a3_sdry

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a3_sdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 9*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 9*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 743 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

743 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a3_SDry = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 9*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
744 ccendgs + 9*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a3 (summer dry)

◆ c_a3_swet

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a3_swet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 6*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 6*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 737 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

737 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a3_SWet = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 6*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
738 ccendgs + 6*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a3 (summer wet)

◆ c_a3_wdry

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a3_wdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 15*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 15*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 755 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

755 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a3_WDry = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 15*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
756 ccendgs + 15*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a3 (winter dry)

◆ c_a3_wwet

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_a3_wwet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 12*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 12*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 749 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

749 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_a3_WWet = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 12*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
750 ccendgs + 12*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM a3 (winter wet)

◆ c_ahmin_wd

integer allocatearray::c_ahmin_wd = (ccEndO + 8)

Definition at line 778 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

778 INTEGER :: c_AHMin_WD = (ccendo + 8)

◆ c_ahmin_we

integer allocatearray::c_ahmin_we = (ccEndO + 9)

Definition at line 779 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

779 INTEGER :: c_AHMin_WE = (ccendo + 9)

◆ c_ahslopecooling_wd

integer allocatearray::c_ahslopecooling_wd = (ccEndO + 12)

Definition at line 782 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

782 INTEGER :: c_AHSlopeCooling_WD = (ccendo + 12)

◆ c_ahslopecooling_we

integer allocatearray::c_ahslopecooling_we = (ccEndO + 13)

Definition at line 783 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

783 INTEGER :: c_AHSlopeCooling_WE = (ccendo + 13)

◆ c_ahslopeheating_wd

integer allocatearray::c_ahslopeheating_wd = (ccEndO + 10)

Definition at line 780 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

780 INTEGER :: c_AHSlopeHeating_WD = (ccendo + 10)

◆ c_ahslopeheating_we

integer allocatearray::c_ahslopeheating_we = (ccEndO + 11)

Definition at line 781 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

781 INTEGER :: c_AHSlopeHeating_WE = (ccendo + 11)

◆ c_alb_ibld

integer allocatearray::c_alb_ibld = (ccEndESTMB + 32)

Definition at line 925 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

925 INTEGER :: c_alb_ibld = (ccendestmb + 32)

◆ c_alb_ibld_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_alb_ibld_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 2)

Definition at line 997 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

997 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_alb_ibld_Bldgs = (ccendestmmp + 44*5 + 5 + 2)

◆ c_albmax

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_albmax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 1*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 626 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

626 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_AlbMax = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 1*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Max. albedo

◆ c_albmin

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_albmin = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 0*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 625 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

625 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_AlbMin = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 0*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Min. albedo

◆ c_alpha_bioco2

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_alpha_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 0*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 0*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 861 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

861 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: c_alpha_bioCO2 = (/(cc, cc=cbendwg + 0*nvegsurf + 1, cbendwg + 0*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

◆ c_alpha_enh_bioco2

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_alpha_enh_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 3*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 3*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 864 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

864 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: c_alpha_enh_bioCO2 = (/(cc, cc=cbendwg + 3*nvegsurf + 1, cbendwg + 3*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

◆ c_baset

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_baset = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 0*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 0*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 650 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

650 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_BaseT = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 0*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 0*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Base temp. for leaf-on

◆ c_baset_hc

integer allocatearray::c_baset_hc = (ccEndO + 1)

Definition at line 771 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

771 INTEGER :: c_BaseT_HC = (ccendo + 1)

◆ c_basete

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_basete = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 1*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 1*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 651 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

651 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_BaseTe = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 1*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 1*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Base temp. for leaf-off

◆ c_beta_bioco2

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_beta_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 1*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 1*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 862 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

862 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: c_beta_bioCO2 = (/(cc, cc=cbendwg + 1*nvegsurf + 1, cbendwg + 1*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

◆ c_beta_enh_bioco2

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_beta_enh_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 4*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 4*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 865 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

865 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: c_beta_enh_bioCO2 = (/(cc, cc=cbendwg + 4*nvegsurf + 1, cbendwg + 4*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

◆ c_biogenco2code

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_biogenco2code = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 14*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 14*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 664 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

664 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_BiogenCO2Code = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 14*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 14*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Biogenic CO2 Code

◆ c_ch_ibld

integer allocatearray::c_ch_ibld = (ccEndESTMB + 36)

Definition at line 929 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

929 INTEGER :: c_CH_ibld = (ccendestmb + 36)

◆ c_ch_ibld_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_ch_ibld_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 6)

Definition at line 1001 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1001 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_CH_ibld_Bldgs = (ccendestmmp + 44*5 + 5 + 6)

◆ c_ch_iroof

integer allocatearray::c_ch_iroof = (ccEndESTMB + 35)

Definition at line 928 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

928 INTEGER :: c_CH_iroof = (ccendestmb + 35)

◆ c_ch_iroof_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_ch_iroof_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 5)

Definition at line 1000 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1000 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_CH_iroof_Bldgs = (ccendestmmp + 44*5 + 5 + 5)

◆ c_ch_iwall

integer allocatearray::c_ch_iwall = (ccEndESTMB + 34)

Definition at line 927 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

927 INTEGER :: c_CH_iwall = (ccendestmb + 34)

◆ c_ch_iwall_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_ch_iwall_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 4)

Definition at line 999 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

999 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_CH_iwall_Bldgs = (ccendestmmp + 44*5 + 5 + 4)

◆ c_chanohm

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_chanohm = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 15*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 15*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 644 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

644 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_ChAnOHM = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 15*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 15*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !bulk transfer coef., AnOHM TS

◆ c_co2mwd

integer allocatearray::c_co2mwd = (ccEndO + 20)

Definition at line 790 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

790 INTEGER :: c_CO2mWD = (ccendo + 20)

◆ c_co2mwe

integer allocatearray::c_co2mwe = (ccEndO + 21)

Definition at line 791 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

791 INTEGER :: c_CO2mWE = (ccendo + 21)

◆ c_co2pointsource

integer allocatearray::c_co2pointsource = (ccEndO + 37)

Definition at line 807 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

807 INTEGER :: c_CO2PointSource = (ccendo + 37)

◆ c_cpanohm

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_cpanohm = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 13*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 13*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 642 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

642 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_CpAnOHM = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 13*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 13*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !heat capacity, AnOHM TS

◆ c_daywat

integer, dimension(7) allocatearray::c_daywat = (/(cc, cc=ccEndA + 11 + 0*7 + 1, ccEndA + 11 + 0*7 + 7, 1)/)

Definition at line 821 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

821 INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: c_DayWat = (/(cc, cc=ccenda + 11 + 0*7 + 1, ccenda + 11 + 0*7 + 7, 1)/) ! Irrigation allowed on each day

◆ c_daywatper

integer, dimension(7) allocatearray::c_daywatper = (/(cc, cc=ccEndA + 11 + 1*7 + 1, ccEndA + 11 + 1*7 + 7, 1)/)

Definition at line 822 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

822 INTEGER, DIMENSION(7) :: c_DayWatPer = (/(cc, cc=ccenda + 11 + 1*7 + 1, ccenda + 11 + 1*7 + 7, 1)/) ! Fraction properties using irrigation allowed on each day

◆ c_drcoef1

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_drcoef1 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 8*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 8*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 633 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

633 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_DrCoef1 = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 8*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 8*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Drainage coef. 1

◆ c_drcoef2

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_drcoef2 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 9*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 9*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 634 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

634 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_DrCoef2 = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 9*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 9*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Drainage coef. 2

◆ c_dreq

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_dreq = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 7*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 7*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 632 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

632 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_DrEq = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 7*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 7*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Drainage equation

◆ c_ef_umolco2perj

integer allocatearray::c_ef_umolco2perj = (ccEndO + 33)

Definition at line 803 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

803 INTEGER :: c_EF_umolCO2perJ = (ccendo + 33)

◆ c_em_ibld

integer allocatearray::c_em_ibld = (ccEndESTMB + 33)

Definition at line 926 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

926 INTEGER :: c_em_ibld = (ccendestmb + 33)

◆ c_em_ibld_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_em_ibld_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 3)

Definition at line 998 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

998 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_em_ibld_Bldgs = (ccendestmmp + 44*5 + 5 + 3)

◆ c_emis

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_emis = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 2*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 627 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

627 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_Emis = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 2*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Emissivity

◆ c_enef_v_jkm

integer allocatearray::c_enef_v_jkm = (ccEndO + 34)

Definition at line 804 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

804 INTEGER :: c_EnEF_v_Jkm = (ccendo + 34)

◆ c_enprofwd

integer allocatearray::c_enprofwd = (ccEndO + 18)

Definition at line 788 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

788 INTEGER :: c_EnProfWD = (ccendo + 18)

◆ c_enprofwe

integer allocatearray::c_enprofwe = (ccEndO + 19)

Definition at line 789 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

789 INTEGER :: c_EnProfWE = (ccendo + 19)

◆ c_estmcode

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_estmcode = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 18*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 18*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 764 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

764 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_ESTMCode = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 18*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
765 ccendgs + 18*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !ESTM code

Referenced by codematchestm().

◆ c_faut

integer allocatearray::c_faut = (ccEndA + 4)

Definition at line 817 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

817 INTEGER :: c_Faut = (ccenda + 4)

◆ c_fcef_v_kgkmwd

integer allocatearray::c_fcef_v_kgkmwd = (ccEndO + 35)

Definition at line 805 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

805 INTEGER :: c_FcEF_v_kgkmWD = (ccendo + 35)

◆ c_fcef_v_kgkmwe

integer allocatearray::c_fcef_v_kgkmwe = (ccEndO + 36)

Definition at line 806 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

806 INTEGER :: c_FcEF_v_kgkmWE = (ccendo + 36)

◆ c_frfossilfuel_heat

integer allocatearray::c_frfossilfuel_heat = (ccEndO + 31)

Definition at line 801 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

801 INTEGER :: c_FrFossilFuel_Heat = (ccendo + 31)

◆ c_frfossilfuel_nonheat

integer allocatearray::c_frfossilfuel_nonheat = (ccEndO + 32)

Definition at line 802 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

802 INTEGER :: c_FrFossilFuel_NonHeat = (ccendo + 32)

◆ c_frpddwe

integer allocatearray::c_frpddwe = (ccEndO + 30)

Definition at line 800 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

800 INTEGER :: c_FrPDDwe = (ccendo + 30)

◆ c_gddfull

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_gddfull = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 2*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 2*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 652 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

652 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_GDDFull = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 2*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 2*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !GDD for full LAI

◆ c_gsg1

integer allocatearray::c_gsg1 = (ccEndSo + 1)

Definition at line 708 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

708 INTEGER :: c_GsG1 = (ccendso + 1)

◆ c_gsg2

integer allocatearray::c_gsg2 = (ccEndSo + 2)

Definition at line 709 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

709 INTEGER :: c_GsG2 = (ccendso + 2)

◆ c_gsg3

integer allocatearray::c_gsg3 = (ccEndSo + 3)

Definition at line 710 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

710 INTEGER :: c_GsG3 = (ccendso + 3)

◆ c_gsg4

integer allocatearray::c_gsg4 = (ccEndSo + 4)

Definition at line 711 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

711 INTEGER :: c_GsG4 = (ccendso + 4)

◆ c_gsg5

integer allocatearray::c_gsg5 = (ccEndSo + 5)

Definition at line 712 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

712 INTEGER :: c_GsG5 = (ccendso + 5)

◆ c_gsg6

integer allocatearray::c_gsg6 = (ccEndSo + 6)

Definition at line 713 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

713 INTEGER :: c_GsG6 = (ccendso + 6)

◆ c_gskmax

integer allocatearray::c_gskmax = (ccEndSo + 11)

Definition at line 718 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

718 INTEGER :: c_GsKmax = (ccendso + 11)

◆ c_gsmax

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_gsmax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 8*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 8*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 658 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

658 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_GsMax = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 8*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 8*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Max. conductance

◆ c_gsmodel

integer allocatearray::c_gsmodel = (ccEndSo + 12)

Definition at line 719 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

719 INTEGER :: c_gsModel = (ccendso + 12)

◆ c_gss1

integer allocatearray::c_gss1 = (ccEndSo + 9)

Definition at line 716 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

716 INTEGER :: c_GsS1 = (ccendso + 9)

◆ c_gss2

integer allocatearray::c_gss2 = (ccEndSo + 10)

Definition at line 717 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

717 INTEGER :: c_GsS2 = (ccendso + 10)

◆ c_gsth

integer allocatearray::c_gsth = (ccEndSo + 7)

Definition at line 714 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

714 INTEGER :: c_GsTH = (ccendso + 7)

◆ c_gstl

integer allocatearray::c_gstl = (ccEndSo + 8)

Definition at line 715 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

715 INTEGER :: c_GsTL = (ccendso + 8)

◆ c_h_maintain

integer allocatearray::c_h_maintain = (ccEndA + 5)

Definition at line 818 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

818 INTEGER :: c_h_maintain = (ccenda + 5)

◆ c_hrprofenusewd

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofenusewd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 0*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 0*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 828 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

828 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfEnUseWD = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 0*24 + 1, ccendir + 0*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Energy use, weekdays

◆ c_hrprofenusewe

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofenusewe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 1*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 1*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 829 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

829 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfEnUseWE = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 1*24 + 1, ccendir + 1*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Energy use, weekends

◆ c_hrprofhumactivitywd

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofhumactivitywd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 8*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 8*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 836 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

836 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfHumActivityWD = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 8*24 + 1, ccendir + 8*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Human activity, weekdays

◆ c_hrprofhumactivitywe

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofhumactivitywe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 9*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 9*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 837 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

837 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfHumActivityWE = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 9*24 + 1, ccendir + 9*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Human activity, weekends

◆ c_hrprofpopwd

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofpopwd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 12*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 12*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 840 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

840 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfPopWD = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 12*24 + 1, ccendir + 12*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Population, weekdays

◆ c_hrprofpopwe

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofpopwe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 13*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 13*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 841 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

841 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfPopWE = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 13*24 + 1, ccendir + 13*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Population, weekends

◆ c_hrprofsnowcwd

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofsnowcwd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 6*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 6*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 834 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

834 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfSnowCWD = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 6*24 + 1, ccendir + 6*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Snow clearing, weekdays

◆ c_hrprofsnowcwe

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofsnowcwe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 7*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 7*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 835 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

835 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfSnowCWE = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 7*24 + 1, ccendir + 7*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Snow clearing, weekends

◆ c_hrproftraffwd

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrproftraffwd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 10*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 10*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 838 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

838 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfTraffWD = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 10*24 + 1, ccendir + 10*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Traffic, weekdays

◆ c_hrproftraffwe

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrproftraffwe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 11*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 11*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 839 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

839 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfTraffWE = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 11*24 + 1, ccendir + 11*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Traffic, weekends

◆ c_hrprofwuautowd

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofwuautowd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 4*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 4*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 832 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

832 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfWUAutoWD = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 4*24 + 1, ccendir + 4*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Water use, automatic, weekdays

◆ c_hrprofwuautowe

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofwuautowe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 5*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 5*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 833 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

833 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfWUAutoWE = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 5*24 + 1, ccendir + 5*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Water use, automatic, weekends

◆ c_hrprofwumanuwd

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofwumanuwd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 2*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 2*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 830 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

830 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfWUManuWD = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 2*24 + 1, ccendir + 2*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Water use, manual, weekdays

◆ c_hrprofwumanuwe

integer, dimension(24) allocatearray::c_hrprofwumanuwe = (/(cc, cc=ccEndIr + 3*24 + 1, ccEndIr + 3*24 + 24, 1)/)

Definition at line 831 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

831 INTEGER, DIMENSION(24) :: c_HrProfWUManuWE = (/(cc, cc=ccendir + 3*24 + 1, ccendir + 3*24 + 24, 1)/) ! Water use, manual, weekends

◆ c_ie_a

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_ie_a = (/(cc, cc=ccEndA + 5 + 0*3 + 1, ccEndA + 5 + 0*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 819 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

819 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Ie_a = (/(cc, cc=ccenda + 5 + 0*3 + 1, ccenda + 5 + 0*3 + 3, 1)/) ! Automatic irrigation coeffs

◆ c_ie_m

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_ie_m = (/(cc, cc=ccEndA + 5 + 1*3 + 1, ccEndA + 5 + 1*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 820 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

820 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Ie_m = (/(cc, cc=ccenda + 5 + 1*3 + 1, ccenda + 5 + 1*3 + 3, 1)/) ! Manual irrigation coeffs

◆ c_ieend

integer allocatearray::c_ieend = (ccEndA + 2)

Definition at line 815 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

815 INTEGER :: c_IeEnd = (ccenda + 2)

◆ c_iestart

integer allocatearray::c_iestart = (ccEndA + 1)

Definition at line 814 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

814 INTEGER :: c_IeStart = (ccenda + 1)

◆ c_internal_k1

integer allocatearray::c_internal_k1 = (ccEndESTMB + 17)

Definition at line 910 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

910 INTEGER :: c_Internal_k1 = (ccendestmb + 17)

◆ c_internal_k1_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_k1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 31*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 31*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 982 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

982 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_k1_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 31*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 31*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_k2

integer allocatearray::c_internal_k2 = (ccEndESTMB + 20)

Definition at line 913 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

913 INTEGER :: c_Internal_k2 = (ccendestmb + 20)

◆ c_internal_k2_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_k2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 34*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 34*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 985 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

985 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_k2_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 34*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 34*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_k3

integer allocatearray::c_internal_k3 = (ccEndESTMB + 23)

Definition at line 916 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

916 INTEGER :: c_Internal_k3 = (ccendestmb + 23)

◆ c_internal_k3_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_k3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 37*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 37*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 988 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

988 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_k3_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 37*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 37*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_k4

integer allocatearray::c_internal_k4 = (ccEndESTMB + 26)

Definition at line 919 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

919 INTEGER :: c_Internal_k4 = (ccendestmb + 26)

◆ c_internal_k4_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_k4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 40*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 40*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 991 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

991 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_k4_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 40*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 40*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_k5

integer allocatearray::c_internal_k5 = (ccEndESTMB + 29)

Definition at line 922 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

922 INTEGER :: c_Internal_k5 = (ccendestmb + 29)

◆ c_internal_k5_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_k5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 43*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 43*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 994 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

994 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_k5_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 43*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 43*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_rhocp1

integer allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp1 = (ccEndESTMB + 18)

Definition at line 911 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

911 INTEGER :: c_Internal_rhoCp1 = (ccendestmb + 18)

◆ c_internal_rhocp1_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 32*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 32*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 983 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

983 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_rhoCp1_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 32*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 32*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_rhocp2

integer allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp2 = (ccEndESTMB + 21)

Definition at line 914 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

914 INTEGER :: c_Internal_rhoCp2 = (ccendestmb + 21)

◆ c_internal_rhocp2_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 35*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 35*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 986 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

986 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_rhoCp2_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 35*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 35*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_rhocp3

integer allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp3 = (ccEndESTMB + 24)

Definition at line 917 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

917 INTEGER :: c_Internal_rhoCp3 = (ccendestmb + 24)

◆ c_internal_rhocp3_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 38*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 38*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 989 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

989 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_rhoCp3_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 38*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 38*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_rhocp4

integer allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp4 = (ccEndESTMB + 27)

Definition at line 920 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

920 INTEGER :: c_Internal_rhoCp4 = (ccendestmb + 27)

◆ c_internal_rhocp4_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 41*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 41*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 992 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

992 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_rhoCp4_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 41*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 41*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_rhocp5

integer allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp5 = (ccEndESTMB + 30)

Definition at line 923 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

923 INTEGER :: c_Internal_rhoCp5 = (ccendestmb + 30)

◆ c_internal_rhocp5_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_rhocp5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 995 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

995 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_rhoCp5_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 44*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 44*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_thick1

integer allocatearray::c_internal_thick1 = (ccEndESTMB + 16)

Definition at line 909 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

909 INTEGER :: c_Internal_thick1 = (ccendestmb + 16)

◆ c_internal_thick1_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_thick1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 30*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 30*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 981 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

981 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_thick1_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 30*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 30*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_thick2

integer allocatearray::c_internal_thick2 = (ccEndESTMB + 19)

Definition at line 912 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

912 INTEGER :: c_Internal_thick2 = (ccendestmb + 19)

◆ c_internal_thick2_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_thick2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 33*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 33*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 984 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

984 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_thick2_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 33*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 33*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_thick3

integer allocatearray::c_internal_thick3 = (ccEndESTMB + 22)

Definition at line 915 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

915 INTEGER :: c_Internal_thick3 = (ccendestmb + 22)

◆ c_internal_thick3_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_thick3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 36*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 36*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 987 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

987 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_thick3_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 36*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 36*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_thick4

integer allocatearray::c_internal_thick4 = (ccEndESTMB + 25)

Definition at line 918 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

918 INTEGER :: c_Internal_thick4 = (ccendestmb + 25)

◆ c_internal_thick4_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_thick4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 39*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 39*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 990 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

990 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_thick4_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 39*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 39*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_internal_thick5

integer allocatearray::c_internal_thick5 = (ccEndESTMB + 28)

Definition at line 921 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

921 INTEGER :: c_Internal_thick5 = (ccendestmb + 28)

◆ c_internal_thick5_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_internal_thick5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 42*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 42*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 993 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

993 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Internal_thick5_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 42*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 42*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_intwu

integer allocatearray::c_intwu = (ccEndA + 3)

Definition at line 816 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

816 INTEGER :: c_IntWU = (ccenda + 3)

◆ c_kkanohm

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_kkanohm = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 14*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 14*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 643 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

643 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_KkAnOHM = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 14*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 14*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !heat conductivity, AnOHM TS

◆ c_ksat

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_ksat = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 2*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 697 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

697 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_KSat = (/(cc, cc=ccendsn + 2*nsurf + 1, ccendsn + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) ! Saturated hydraulic conductivity

◆ c_laieq

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_laieq = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 9*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 9*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 659 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

659 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_LAIEq = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 9*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 9*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !LAI equation

◆ c_laimax

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_laimax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 5*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 5*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 655 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

655 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_LAIMax = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 5*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 5*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Max. LAI

◆ c_laimin

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_laimin = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 4*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 4*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 654 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

654 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_LAIMin = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 4*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 4*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Min. LAI

◆ c_leafgp1

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_leafgp1 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 10*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 10*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 660 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

660 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_LeafGP1 = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 10*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 10*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Leaf growth power 1

◆ c_leafgp2

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_leafgp2 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 11*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 11*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 661 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

661 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_LeafGP2 = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 11*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 11*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Leaf growth power 2

◆ c_leafop1

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_leafop1 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 12*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 12*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 662 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

662 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_LeafOP1 = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 12*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 12*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Leaf-off power 1

◆ c_leafop2

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_leafop2 = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 13*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 13*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 663 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

663 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_LeafOP2 = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 13*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 13*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Leaf-off power 2

◆ c_maxfcmetab

integer allocatearray::c_maxfcmetab = (ccEndO + 29)

Definition at line 799 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

799 INTEGER :: c_MaxFCMetab = (ccendo + 29)

◆ c_maxqfmetab

integer allocatearray::c_maxqfmetab = (ccEndO + 27)

Definition at line 797 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

797 INTEGER :: c_MaxQFMetab = (ccendo + 27)

◆ c_min_res_bioco2

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_min_res_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 7*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 7*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 868 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

868 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: c_min_res_bioCO2 = (/(cc, cc=cbendwg + 7*nvegsurf + 1, cbendwg + 7*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

◆ c_minfcmetab

integer allocatearray::c_minfcmetab = (ccEndO + 28)

Definition at line 798 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

798 INTEGER :: c_MinFCMetab = (ccendo + 28)

◆ c_minqfmetab

integer allocatearray::c_minqfmetab = (ccEndO + 26)

Definition at line 796 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

796 INTEGER :: c_MinQFMetab = (ccendo + 26)

◆ c_nroom

integer allocatearray::c_nroom = (ccEndESTMB + 31)

Definition at line 924 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

924 INTEGER :: c_nroom = (ccendestmb + 31)

◆ c_nroom_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_nroom_bldgs = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 1)

Definition at line 996 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

996 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_nroom_Bldgs = (ccendestmmp + 44*5 + 5 + 1)

◆ c_obssmdepth

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_obssmdepth = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 5*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 700 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

700 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_ObsSMDepth = (/(cc, cc=ccendsn + 5*nsurf + 1, ccendsn + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) ! Depth of SM obs

◆ c_obssmmax

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_obssmmax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 6*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 6*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 701 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

701 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_ObsSMMax = (/(cc, cc=ccendsn + 6*nsurf + 1, ccendsn + 6*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) ! Obs maximum SM [kg kg-1 OR m3 m-3]

◆ c_obssnrfrac

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_obssnrfrac = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 7*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 7*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 702 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

702 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_ObsSNRFrac = (/(cc, cc=ccendsn + 7*nsurf + 1, ccendsn + 7*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) ! Obs fraction of soil without rocks

◆ c_ohmcode_sdry

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_ohmcode_sdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 1*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 1*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 727 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

727 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_OHMCode_SDry = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 1*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
728 ccendgs + 1*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM code (summer dry)

Referenced by codematchohm().

◆ c_ohmcode_swet

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_ohmcode_swet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 0*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 0*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 725 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

725 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_OHMCode_SWet = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 0*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
726 ccendgs + 0*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM code (summer wet)

Referenced by codematchohm().

◆ c_ohmcode_wdry

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_ohmcode_wdry = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 3*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 3*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 731 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

731 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_OHMCode_WDry = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 3*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
732 ccendgs + 3*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM code (winter dry)

Referenced by codematchohm().

◆ c_ohmcode_wwet

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_ohmcode_wwet = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 2*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 2*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 729 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

729 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_OHMCode_WWet = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 2*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
730 ccendgs + 2*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM code (winter wet)

Referenced by codematchohm().

◆ c_ohmthresh_sw

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_ohmthresh_sw = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 16*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 16*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 758 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

758 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_OHMThresh_SW = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 16*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
759 ccendgs + 16*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM Threshold (summer/winter)

◆ c_ohmthresh_wd

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_ohmthresh_wd = (/(cc, cc=ccEndGs + 17*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndGs + 17*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)/)

Definition at line 760 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

760 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: c_OHMThresh_WD = (/(cc, cc=ccendgs + 17*nsurfincsnow + 1, &
761 ccendgs + 17*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)/) !OHM Threshold (wet/dry)

◆ c_popprofwd

integer allocatearray::c_popprofwd = (ccEndO + 24)

Definition at line 794 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

794 INTEGER :: c_PopProfWD = (ccendo + 24)

◆ c_popprofwe

integer allocatearray::c_popprofwe = (ccEndO + 25)

Definition at line 795 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

795 INTEGER :: c_PopProfWE = (ccendo + 25)

◆ c_porositymax

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_porositymax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 7*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 7*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 657 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

657 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_PorosityMax = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 7*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 7*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Max. Porosity

◆ c_porositymin

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_porositymin = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 6*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 6*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 656 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

656 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_PorosityMin = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 6*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 6*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !Min. Porosity

◆ c_qf_a1

integer allocatearray::c_qf_a1 = (ccEndO + 2)

Definition at line 772 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

772 INTEGER :: c_QF_A1 = (ccendo + 2)

◆ c_qf_a2

integer allocatearray::c_qf_a2 = (ccEndO + 5)

Definition at line 775 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

775 INTEGER :: c_QF_A2 = (ccendo + 5)

◆ c_qf_b1

integer allocatearray::c_qf_b1 = (ccEndO + 3)

Definition at line 773 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

773 INTEGER :: c_QF_B1 = (ccendo + 3)

◆ c_qf_b2

integer allocatearray::c_qf_b2 = (ccEndO + 6)

Definition at line 776 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

776 INTEGER :: c_QF_B2 = (ccendo + 6)

◆ c_qf_c1

integer allocatearray::c_qf_c1 = (ccEndO + 4)

Definition at line 774 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

774 INTEGER :: c_QF_C1 = (ccendo + 4)

◆ c_qf_c2

integer allocatearray::c_qf_c2 = (ccEndO + 7)

Definition at line 777 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

777 INTEGER :: c_QF_C2 = (ccendo + 7)

◆ c_resp_a

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_resp_a = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 5*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 5*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 866 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

866 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: c_resp_a = (/(cc, cc=cbendwg + 5*nvegsurf + 1, cbendwg + 5*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

◆ c_resp_b

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_resp_b = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 6*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 6*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 867 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

867 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: c_resp_b = (/(cc, cc=cbendwg + 6*nvegsurf + 1, cbendwg + 6*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

◆ c_sddfull

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_sddfull = (/(cc, cc=ccEndI + 3*nvegsurf + 1, ccEndI + 3*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 653 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

653 INTEGER, DIMENSION(NVegSurf) :: c_SDDFull = (/(cc, cc=ccendi + 3*nvegsurf + 1, ccendi + 3*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/) !SDD for start of leaf-fall

◆ c_snowalbmax

integer allocatearray::c_snowalbmax = (ccEndW + 4)

Definition at line 678 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

678 INTEGER :: c_SnowAlbMax = (ccendw + 4)

◆ c_snowalbmin

integer allocatearray::c_snowalbmin = (ccEndW + 3)

Definition at line 677 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

677 INTEGER :: c_SnowAlbMin = (ccendw + 3)

◆ c_snowcrwmax

integer allocatearray::c_snowcrwmax = (ccEndW + 14)

Definition at line 688 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

688 INTEGER :: c_SnowCRWMax = (ccendw + 14)

◆ c_snowcrwmin

integer allocatearray::c_snowcrwmin = (ccEndW + 13)

Definition at line 687 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

687 INTEGER :: c_SnowCRWMin = (ccendw + 13)

◆ c_snowemis

integer allocatearray::c_snowemis = (ccEndW + 6)

Definition at line 680 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

680 INTEGER :: c_SnowEmis = (ccendw + 6)

◆ c_snowlimpat

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_snowlimpat = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 11*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 11*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 638 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

638 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_SnowLimPat = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 11*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 11*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Snow limit for patchiness

◆ c_snowlimrem

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_snowlimrem = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 12*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 12*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 640 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

640 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_SnowLimRem = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 12*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 12*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Snow limit for removal

◆ c_snowplimalb

integer allocatearray::c_snowplimalb = (ccEndW + 9)

Definition at line 683 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

683 INTEGER :: c_SnowPLimAlb = (ccendw + 9)

◆ c_snowplimsnow

integer allocatearray::c_snowplimsnow = (ccEndW + 15)

Definition at line 689 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

689 INTEGER :: c_SnowPLimSnow = (ccendw + 15)

◆ c_snowrmfactor

integer allocatearray::c_snowrmfactor = (ccEndW + 1)

Definition at line 675 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

675 INTEGER :: c_SnowRMFactor = (ccendw + 1)

◆ c_snowsdmax

integer allocatearray::c_snowsdmax = (ccEndW + 11)

Definition at line 685 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

685 INTEGER :: c_SnowSDMax = (ccendw + 11)

◆ c_snowsdmin

integer allocatearray::c_snowsdmin = (ccEndW + 10)

Definition at line 684 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

684 INTEGER :: c_SnowSDMin = (ccendw + 10)

◆ c_snowtau_a

integer allocatearray::c_snowtau_a = (ccEndW + 7)

Definition at line 681 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

681 INTEGER :: c_Snowtau_a = (ccendw + 7)

◆ c_snowtau_f

integer allocatearray::c_snowtau_f = (ccEndW + 8)

Definition at line 682 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

682 INTEGER :: c_Snowtau_f = (ccendw + 8)

◆ c_snowtau_r

integer allocatearray::c_snowtau_r = (ccEndW + 12)

Definition at line 686 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

686 INTEGER :: c_Snowtau_r = (ccendw + 12)

◆ c_snowtmfactor

integer allocatearray::c_snowtmfactor = (ccEndW + 2)

Definition at line 676 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

676 INTEGER :: c_SnowTMFactor = (ccendw + 2)

◆ c_soildens

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_soildens = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 3*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 698 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

698 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_SoilDens = (/(cc, cc=ccendsn + 3*nsurf + 1, ccendsn + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) ! Soil Density

◆ c_soildepth

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_soildepth = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 0*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 695 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

695 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_SoilDepth = (/(cc, cc=ccendsn + 0*nsurf + 1, ccendsn + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) ! Volumetric SM capacity

◆ c_soilinfrate

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_soilinfrate = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 4*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 699 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

699 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_SoilInfRate = (/(cc, cc=ccendsn + 4*nsurf + 1, ccendsn + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) ! Soil infiltration rate

◆ c_soilstcap

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_soilstcap = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSn + 1*nsurf + 1, ccEndSn + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 696 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

696 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_SoilStCap = (/(cc, cc=ccendsn + 1*nsurf + 1, ccendsn + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) ! Volumetric SM capacity

◆ c_soiltcode

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_soiltcode = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 10*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 10*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 635 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

635 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_SoilTCode = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 10*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 10*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Soil type code

◆ c_statelimit

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_statelimit = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 6*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 6*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 631 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

631 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_StateLimit = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 6*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 6*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Limit for surface state [mm]

◆ c_stormax

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_stormax = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 4*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 629 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

629 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_StorMax = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 4*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Max. storage capacity (canopy)

◆ c_stormin

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_stormin = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 3*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 628 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

628 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_StorMin = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 3*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Min. storage capacity (canopy)

◆ c_surf_k1

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_k1 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 1*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 1*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_k1_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_k1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 1*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 1*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 952 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

952 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_k1_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 1*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 1*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_k1_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_k1_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 1*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 1*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 934 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

934 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_k1_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 1*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 1*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_k2

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_k2 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 4*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 4*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_k2_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_k2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 4*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 4*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 955 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

955 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_k2_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 4*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 4*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_k2_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_k2_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 4*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 4*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 937 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

937 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_k2_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 4*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 4*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_k3

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_k3 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 7*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 7*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_k3_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_k3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 7*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 7*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 958 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

958 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_k3_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 7*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 7*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_k3_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_k3_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 7*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 7*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 940 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

940 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_k3_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 7*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 7*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_k4

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_k4 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 10*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 10*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_k4_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_k4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 10*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 10*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 961 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

961 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_k4_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 10*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 10*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_k4_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_k4_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 10*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 10*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 943 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

943 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_k4_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 10*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 10*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_k5

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_k5 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 13*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 13*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_k5_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_k5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 13*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 13*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 964 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

964 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_k5_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 13*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 13*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_k5_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_k5_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 13*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 13*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 946 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

946 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_k5_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 13*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 13*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp1

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp1 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 2*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 2*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_rhocp1_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 2*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 2*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 953 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

953 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_rhoCp1_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 2*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 2*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp1_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp1_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 2*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 2*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 935 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

935 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_rhoCp1_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 2*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 2*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp2

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp2 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 5*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 5*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_rhocp2_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 5*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 5*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 956 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

956 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_rhoCp2_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 5*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 5*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp2_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp2_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 5*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 5*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 938 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

938 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_rhoCp2_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 5*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 5*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp3

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp3 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 8*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 8*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_rhocp3_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 8*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 8*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 959 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

959 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_rhoCp3_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 8*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 8*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp3_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp3_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 8*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 8*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 941 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

941 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_rhoCp3_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 8*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 8*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp4

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp4 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 11*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 11*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_rhocp4_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 11*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 11*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 962 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

962 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_rhoCp4_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 11*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 11*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp4_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp4_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 11*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 11*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 944 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

944 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_rhoCp4_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 11*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 11*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp5

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp5 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 14*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 14*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_rhocp5_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 14*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 14*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 965 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

965 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_rhoCp5_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 14*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 14*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_rhocp5_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_rhocp5_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 14*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 14*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 947 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

947 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_rhoCp5_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 14*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 14*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick1

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_thick1 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 0*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 0*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

875 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurfIncSnow) :: &
876 c_Surf_thick1 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 0*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 0*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
877 c_surf_k1 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 1*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 1*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
878 c_surf_rhocp1 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 2*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 2*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
879 c_surf_thick2 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 3*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 3*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
880 c_surf_k2 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 4*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 4*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
881 c_surf_rhocp2 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 5*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 5*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
882 c_surf_thick3 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 6*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 6*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
883 c_surf_k3 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 7*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 7*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
884 c_surf_rhocp3 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 8*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 8*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
885 c_surf_thick4 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 9*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 9*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
886 c_surf_k4 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 10*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 10*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
887 c_surf_rhocp4 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 11*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 11*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
888 c_surf_thick5 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 12*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 12*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
889 c_surf_k5 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 13*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 13*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)], &
890 c_surf_rhocp5 = [(cc, cc=ccendb + 14*nsurfincsnow + 1, ccendb + 14*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow, 1)]

◆ c_surf_thick1_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_thick1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 0*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 0*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 951 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

951 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_thick1_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 0*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 0*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick1_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_thick1_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 0*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 0*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 933 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

933 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_thick1_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 0*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 0*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick2

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_thick2 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 3*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 3*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_thick2_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_thick2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 3*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 3*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 954 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

954 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_thick2_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 3*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 3*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick2_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_thick2_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 3*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 3*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 936 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

936 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_thick2_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 3*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 3*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick3

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_thick3 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 6*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 6*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_thick3_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_thick3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 6*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 6*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 957 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

957 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_thick3_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 6*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 6*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick3_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_thick3_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 6*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 6*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 939 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

939 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_thick3_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 6*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 6*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick4

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_thick4 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 9*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 9*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_thick4_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_thick4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 9*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 9*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 960 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

960 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_thick4_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 9*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 9*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick4_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_thick4_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 9*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 9*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 942 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

942 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_thick4_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 9*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 9*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick5

integer, dimension(nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::c_surf_thick5 = [(cc, cc=ccEndB + 12*nsurfIncSnow + 1, ccEndB + 12*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow, 1)]

Definition at line 875 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ c_surf_thick5_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_surf_thick5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 12*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 12*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 963 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

963 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Surf_thick5_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 12*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 12*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_surf_thick5_paved

integer, dimension(3) allocatearray::c_surf_thick5_paved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMM + 12*3 + 1, ccEndESTMM + 12*3 + 3, 1)/)

Definition at line 945 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

945 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: c_Surf_thick5_Paved = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmm + 12*3 + 1, ccendestmm + 12*3 + 3, 1)/)

◆ c_tcriticcooling_wd

integer allocatearray::c_tcriticcooling_wd = (ccEndO + 17)

Definition at line 787 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

787 INTEGER :: c_TCriticCooling_WD = (ccendo + 17)

◆ c_tcriticcooling_we

integer allocatearray::c_tcriticcooling_we = (ccEndO + 16)

Definition at line 786 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

786 INTEGER :: c_TCriticCooling_WE = (ccendo + 16)

◆ c_tcriticheating_wd

integer allocatearray::c_tcriticheating_wd = (ccEndO + 15)

Definition at line 785 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

785 INTEGER :: c_TCriticHeating_WD = (ccendo + 15)

◆ c_tcriticheating_we

integer allocatearray::c_tcriticheating_we = (ccEndO + 14)

Definition at line 784 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

784 INTEGER :: c_TCriticHeating_WE = (ccendo + 14)

◆ c_theta_bioco2

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::c_theta_bioco2 = (/(cc, cc=cBEndWG + 2*nvegsurf + 1, cBEndWG + 2*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 863 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

863 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: c_theta_bioCO2 = (/(cc, cc=cbendwg + 2*nvegsurf + 1, cbendwg + 2*nvegsurf + nvegsurf, 1)/)

◆ c_trafficunits

integer allocatearray::c_trafficunits = (ccEndO + 38)

Definition at line 808 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

808 INTEGER :: c_TrafficUnits = (ccendo + 38)

◆ c_traffprofwd

integer allocatearray::c_traffprofwd = (ccEndO + 22)

Definition at line 792 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

792 INTEGER :: c_TraffProfWD = (ccendo + 22)

◆ c_traffprofwe

integer allocatearray::c_traffprofwe = (ccEndO + 23)

Definition at line 793 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

793 INTEGER :: c_TraffProfWE = (ccendo + 23)

◆ c_wall_k1

integer allocatearray::c_wall_k1 = (ccEndESTMB + 2)

Definition at line 895 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

895 INTEGER :: c_Wall_k1 = (ccendestmb + 2)

◆ c_wall_k1_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_k1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 16*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 16*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 967 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

967 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_k1_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 16*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 16*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_k2

integer allocatearray::c_wall_k2 = (ccEndESTMB + 5)

Definition at line 898 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

898 INTEGER :: c_Wall_k2 = (ccendestmb + 5)

◆ c_wall_k2_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_k2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 19*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 19*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 970 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

970 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_k2_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 19*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 19*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_k3

integer allocatearray::c_wall_k3 = (ccEndESTMB + 8)

Definition at line 901 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

901 INTEGER :: c_Wall_k3 = (ccendestmb + 8)

◆ c_wall_k3_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_k3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 22*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 22*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 973 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

973 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_k3_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 22*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 22*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_k4

integer allocatearray::c_wall_k4 = (ccEndESTMB + 11)

Definition at line 904 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

904 INTEGER :: c_Wall_k4 = (ccendestmb + 11)

◆ c_wall_k4_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_k4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 25*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 25*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 976 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

976 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_k4_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 25*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 25*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_k5

integer allocatearray::c_wall_k5 = (ccEndESTMB + 14)

Definition at line 907 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

907 INTEGER :: c_Wall_k5 = (ccendestmb + 14)

◆ c_wall_k5_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_k5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 28*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 28*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 979 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

979 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_k5_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 28*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 28*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_rhocp1

integer allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp1 = (ccEndESTMB + 3)

Definition at line 896 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

896 INTEGER :: c_Wall_rhoCp1 = (ccendestmb + 3)

◆ c_wall_rhocp1_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 17*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 17*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 968 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

968 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_rhoCp1_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 17*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 17*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_rhocp2

integer allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp2 = (ccEndESTMB + 6)

Definition at line 899 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

899 INTEGER :: c_Wall_rhoCp2 = (ccendestmb + 6)

◆ c_wall_rhocp2_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 20*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 20*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 971 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

971 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_rhoCp2_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 20*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 20*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_rhocp3

integer allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp3 = (ccEndESTMB + 9)

Definition at line 902 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

902 INTEGER :: c_Wall_rhoCp3 = (ccendestmb + 9)

◆ c_wall_rhocp3_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 23*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 23*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 974 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

974 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_rhoCp3_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 23*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 23*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_rhocp4

integer allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp4 = (ccEndESTMB + 12)

Definition at line 905 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

905 INTEGER :: c_Wall_rhoCp4 = (ccendestmb + 12)

◆ c_wall_rhocp4_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 26*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 26*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 977 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

977 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_rhoCp4_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 26*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 26*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_rhocp5

integer allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp5 = (ccEndESTMB + 15)

Definition at line 908 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

908 INTEGER :: c_Wall_rhoCp5 = (ccendestmb + 15)

◆ c_wall_rhocp5_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_rhocp5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 29*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 29*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 980 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

980 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_rhoCp5_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 29*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 29*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_thick1

integer allocatearray::c_wall_thick1 = (ccEndESTMB + 1)

Definition at line 894 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

894 INTEGER :: c_Wall_thick1 = (ccendestmb + 1)

◆ c_wall_thick1_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_thick1_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 15*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 15*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 966 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

966 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_thick1_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 15*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 15*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_thick2

integer allocatearray::c_wall_thick2 = (ccEndESTMB + 4)

Definition at line 897 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

897 INTEGER :: c_Wall_thick2 = (ccendestmb + 4)

◆ c_wall_thick2_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_thick2_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 18*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 18*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 969 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

969 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_thick2_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 18*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 18*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_thick3

integer allocatearray::c_wall_thick3 = (ccEndESTMB + 7)

Definition at line 900 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

900 INTEGER :: c_Wall_thick3 = (ccendestmb + 7)

◆ c_wall_thick3_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_thick3_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 21*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 21*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 972 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

972 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_thick3_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 21*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 21*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_thick4

integer allocatearray::c_wall_thick4 = (ccEndESTMB + 10)

Definition at line 903 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

903 INTEGER :: c_Wall_thick4 = (ccendestmb + 10)

◆ c_wall_thick4_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_thick4_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 24*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 24*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 975 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

975 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_thick4_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 24*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 24*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_wall_thick5

integer allocatearray::c_wall_thick5 = (ccEndESTMB + 13)

Definition at line 906 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

906 INTEGER :: c_Wall_thick5 = (ccendestmb + 13)

◆ c_wall_thick5_bldgs

integer, dimension(5) allocatearray::c_wall_thick5_bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndESTMMP + 27*5 + 1, ccEndESTMMP + 27*5 + 5, 1)/)

Definition at line 978 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

978 INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: c_Wall_thick5_Bldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendestmmp + 27*5 + 1, ccendestmmp + 27*5 + 5, 1)/)

◆ c_waterdepth

integer allocatearray::c_waterdepth = (ccEndP + 1)

Definition at line 669 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

669 INTEGER :: c_WaterDepth = (ccendp + 1)

◆ c_wetthresh

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wetthresh = (/(cc, cc=ccEndSI + 5*nsurf + 1, ccEndSI + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 630 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

630 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WetThresh = (/(cc, cc=ccendsi + 5*nsurf + 1, ccendsi + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Threshold for wet evaporation [mm]

◆ c_wgtobldgs

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wgtobldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 1*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 848 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

848 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WGToBldgs = (/(cc, cc=ccendpr + 1*nsurf + 1, ccendpr + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Water dist to Bldgs

◆ c_wgtobsoil

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wgtobsoil = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 5*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 852 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

852 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WGToBSoil = (/(cc, cc=ccendpr + 5*nsurf + 1, ccendpr + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Water dist to BSoil

◆ c_wgtodectr

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wgtodectr = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 3*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 850 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

850 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WGToDecTr = (/(cc, cc=ccendpr + 3*nsurf + 1, ccendpr + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Water dist to DecTr

◆ c_wgtoevetr

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wgtoevetr = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 2*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 849 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

849 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WGToEveTr = (/(cc, cc=ccendpr + 2*nsurf + 1, ccendpr + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Water dist to EveTr

◆ c_wgtograss

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wgtograss = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 4*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 851 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

851 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WGToGrass = (/(cc, cc=ccendpr + 4*nsurf + 1, ccendpr + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Water dist to Grass

◆ c_wgtopaved

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wgtopaved = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 0*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 847 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

847 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WGToPaved = (/(cc, cc=ccendpr + 0*nsurf + 1, ccendpr + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Water dist to Paved

◆ c_wgtorunoff

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wgtorunoff = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 7*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 7*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 854 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

854 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WGToRunoff = (/(cc, cc=ccendpr + 7*nsurf + 1, ccendpr + 7*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Water dist to runoff

◆ c_wgtosoilstore

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wgtosoilstore = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 8*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 8*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 855 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

855 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WGToSoilStore = (/(cc, cc=ccendpr + 8*nsurf + 1, ccendpr + 8*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Water dist to sub-surface soil

◆ c_wgtowater

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::c_wgtowater = (/(cc, cc=ccEndPr + 6*nsurf + 1, ccEndPr + 6*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 853 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

853 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: c_WGToWater = (/(cc, cc=ccendpr + 6*nsurf + 1, ccendpr + 6*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Water dist to Water

◆ capmax_dec

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::capmax_dec

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ capmin_dec

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::capmin_dec

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ cbendwg

integer, parameter allocatearray::cbendwg = (ccEndPr + 8*nsurf + nsurf)

Definition at line 858 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

858 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cBEndWG = (ccendpr + 8*nsurf + nsurf)

◆ cc

integer allocatearray::cc

Definition at line 621 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

621 INTEGER :: cc !Column counter

◆ ccenda

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccenda = (ccEndO + 38)

Definition at line 811 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

811 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndA = (ccendo + 38)

◆ ccendb

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendb = (cBEndWG + 7*nvegsurf + nvegsurf)

Definition at line 871 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

871 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndB = (cbendwg + 7*nvegsurf + nvegsurf)

◆ ccendestmb

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendestmb = (ccEndB + 14*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow)

Definition at line 892 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

892 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndESTMB = (ccendb + 14*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow)

◆ ccendestmm

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendestmm = (ccEndESTMB + 36)

Definition at line 931 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

931 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndESTMM = (ccendestmb + 36)

◆ ccendestmmp

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendestmmp = (ccEndESTMM + 14*3 + 3)

Definition at line 949 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

949 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndESTMMP = (ccendestmm + 14*3 + 3)

◆ ccendgs

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendgs = (ccEndSo + 12)

Definition at line 722 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

722 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndGs = (ccendso + 12)

◆ ccendi

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendi = (ccEndSI + 15*nsurf + nsurf)

Definition at line 647 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

647 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndI = (ccendsi + 15*nsurf + nsurf) !add columns for AnOHM, AnOHM TS

◆ ccendir

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendir = (ccEndA + 11 + 1*7 + 7)

Definition at line 825 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

825 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndIr = (ccenda + 11 + 1*7 + 7)

◆ ccendo

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendo = (ccEndGs + 18*nsurfIncSnow + nsurfIncSnow)

Definition at line 768 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

768 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndO = (ccendgs + 18*nsurfincsnow + nsurfincsnow)

◆ ccendp

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendp = (ccEndI + 14*nvegsurf + nvegsurf)

Definition at line 666 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

666 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndP = (ccendi + 14*nvegsurf + nvegsurf)

◆ ccendpr

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendpr = (ccEndIr + 13*24 + 24)

Definition at line 844 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

844 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndPr = (ccendir + 13*24 + 24)

◆ ccendsi

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendsi = ncolumnsSiteSelect

Definition at line 622 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

622 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndSI = ncolumnssiteselect

◆ ccendsn

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendsn = (ccEndW + 15)

Definition at line 692 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

692 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndSn = (ccendw + 15)

◆ ccendso

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendso = (ccEndSn + 7*nsurf + nsurf)

Definition at line 705 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

705 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndSo = (ccendsn + 7*nsurf + nsurf)

◆ ccendw

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccendw = (ccEndP + 1)

Definition at line 672 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

672 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ccEndW = (ccendp + 1)

◆ ccmds

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccmds = 30

Definition at line 1023 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.


◆ ccmod

integer, parameter allocatearray::ccmod = 32

Definition at line 1009 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.


◆ chang

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::chang

Definition at line 233 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

233 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: chang !Change in state [mm]

◆ changsnow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::changsnow

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

436 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: changSnow, & !Change in snowpack in mm
437 maxSnowVol, & !! Maximum snow volume
438 SnowWater, & !!Liquid water in the snow pack of ith surface
439 ev_snow, & !!Evaporation from snowpack in mm
440 mw_ind, & !Melt water from individual surface in mm
441 mw_indDay, & !!Melt water per day from each surface type in m3
442 runoffSnow, & !!Runoff from snowpack in mm and in m3
443 SnowDens, & !Density of snow
444 SnowFrac, & !!Surface fraction of snow cover
445 iceFrac, &
446 snowInit, &
447 snowDepth, & !Depth of snow in cm
448 SnowToSurf, & !Meltwater flowing from snow to surface
449 volSWE, &
450 StateFraction, & !Fraction of state that can freeze
451 freezMelt, & !Amount of freezing meltwater in mm for the ith surface area
452 Qm_freezState, & !Heat by freezing of surface state
453 freezState, & !Amount of freezing state in mm for the ith surface area
454 FreezStateVol, &
455 Qm_melt, & !Heat consumption by snow melt
456 Qm_rain, & !Heat by rain falling on snow
457 rainOnSnow, & !Liquid precipitation falling on snow ()
458 SnowPackLimit, &
459 deltaQi

◆ chanohm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::chanohm

Definition at line 487 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

487 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: chAnOHM ! bulk transfer coef. [-]

◆ cmds_snowdens

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::cmds_snowdens = (/(cc, cc=ccMDS + 0*nsurf + 1, ccMDS + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 1024 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1024 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: cMDS_SnowDens = (/(cc, cc=ccmds + 0*nsurf + 1, ccmds + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Snow density

◆ cmod_snowdens

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::cmod_snowdens = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 5*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 1015 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1015 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: cMOD_SnowDens = (/(cc, cc=ccmod + 5*nsurf + 1, ccmod + 5*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Snow density

◆ cmod_snowfrac

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::cmod_snowfrac = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 4*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 1014 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1014 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: cMOD_SnowFrac = (/(cc, cc=ccmod + 4*nsurf + 1, ccmod + 4*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Snow fraction

◆ cmod_snowpack

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::cmod_snowpack = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 3*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 1013 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1013 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: cMOD_SnowPack = (/(cc, cc=ccmod + 3*nsurf + 1, ccmod + 3*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !SWE

◆ cmod_snowwaterstate

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::cmod_snowwaterstate = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 2*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 1012 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1012 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: cMOD_SnowWaterState = (/(cc, cc=ccmod + 2*nsurf + 1, ccmod + 2*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Liquid (melted) water

◆ cmod_soilstate

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::cmod_soilstate = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 1*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 1011 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1011 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: cMOD_SoilState = (/(cc, cc=ccmod + 1*nsurf + 1, ccmod + 1*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Below ground state (soil store)

◆ cmod_state

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::cmod_state = (/(cc, cc=ccMOD + 0*nsurf + 1, ccMOD + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/)

Definition at line 1010 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1010 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: cMOD_State = (/(cc, cc=ccmod + 0*nsurf + 1, ccmod + 0*nsurf + nsurf, 1)/) !Above ground state

◆ colnosuse

character(len=4*ncolumnsdataoutsuews) allocatearray::colnosuse

Definition at line 128 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

128 CHARACTER(len=4*ncolumnsDataOutSUEWS) :: ColNosUse

◆ conductance_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::conductance_coeff

Definition at line 137 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

137 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: Conductance_Coeff !Coefficients for conductances

Referenced by codematchconductance().

◆ conifsurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::conifsurf = 3

◆ cp_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::cp_roof

Definition at line 498 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

498 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: cp_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ cp_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::cp_roof_grids

Definition at line 513 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

513 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: cp_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ cp_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::cp_surf

Definition at line 561 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

561 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: cp_surf

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ cp_surf_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::cp_surf_grids

Definition at line 568 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

568 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: cp_surf_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ cp_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::cp_wall

Definition at line 529 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

529 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: cp_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ cp_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::cp_wall_grids

Definition at line 544 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

544 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: cp_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ cpanohm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::cpanohm

Definition at line 485 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

485 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: cpAnOHM ! heat capacity [J m-3 K-1]

◆ ctp_enusewd

integer allocatearray::ctp_enusewd = 1

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

212 INTEGER :: cTP_EnUseWD = 1, &
213 ctp_enusewe = 2, &
214 ctp_wumanuwd = 3, &
215 ctp_wumanuwe = 4, &
216 ctp_wuautowd = 5, &
217 ctp_wuautowe = 6, &
218 ctp_snowcwd = 7, &
219 ctp_snowcwe = 8, &
220 ctp_humactivitywd = 9, &
221 ctp_humactivitywe = 10, &
222 ctp_traffprofwd = 11, &
223 ctp_traffprofwe = 12, &
224 ctp_popprofwd = 13, &
225 ctp_popprofwe = 14

◆ ctp_enusewe

integer allocatearray::ctp_enusewe = 2

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_humactivitywd

integer allocatearray::ctp_humactivitywd = 9

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_humactivitywe

integer allocatearray::ctp_humactivitywe = 10

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_popprofwd

integer allocatearray::ctp_popprofwd = 13

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_popprofwe

integer allocatearray::ctp_popprofwe = 14

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_snowcwd

integer allocatearray::ctp_snowcwd = 7

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_snowcwe

integer allocatearray::ctp_snowcwe = 8

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_traffprofwd

integer allocatearray::ctp_traffprofwd = 11

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_traffprofwe

integer allocatearray::ctp_traffprofwe = 12

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_wuautowd

integer allocatearray::ctp_wuautowd = 5

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_wuautowe

integer allocatearray::ctp_wuautowe = 6

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_wumanuwd

integer allocatearray::ctp_wumanuwd = 3

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ctp_wumanuwe

integer allocatearray::ctp_wumanuwe = 4

Definition at line 212 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ cts_id

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_id = 2

Definition at line 1033 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1033 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_id = 2

◆ cts_imin

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_imin = 4

Definition at line 1035 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1035 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_imin = 4

◆ cts_it

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_it = 3

Definition at line 1034 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1034 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_it = 3

◆ cts_iy

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_iy = 1

Definition at line 1032 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1032 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_iy = 1

◆ cts_tiair

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_tiair = 5

Definition at line 1036 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1036 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_Tiair = 5

Referenced by estm_module::estm_translate().

◆ cts_troad

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_troad = 8

Definition at line 1039 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1039 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_Troad = 8

Referenced by estm_module::estm_translate().

◆ cts_troof

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_troof = 7

Definition at line 1038 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1038 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_Troof = 7

Referenced by estm_module::estm_translate().

◆ cts_tsurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_tsurf = 6

Definition at line 1037 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1037 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_Tsurf = 6

◆ cts_twall

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_twall = 9

Definition at line 1040 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1040 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_Twall = 9

Referenced by estm_module::estm_translate().

◆ cts_twall_e

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_twall_e = 11

Definition at line 1042 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1042 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_Twall_e = 11

◆ cts_twall_n

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_twall_n = 10

Definition at line 1041 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1041 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_Twall_n = 10

◆ cts_twall_s

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_twall_s = 12

Definition at line 1043 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1043 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_Twall_s = 12

◆ cts_twall_w

integer, parameter allocatearray::cts_twall_w = 13

Definition at line 1044 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1044 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cTs_Twall_w = 13

◆ dailystatefirstopen

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::dailystatefirstopen

Definition at line 154 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

154 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: DailyStateFirstOpen

◆ dailystateline

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutdailystate - 5) allocatearray::dailystateline

Definition at line 178 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

178 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsDataOutDailyState - 5) :: DailyStateLine ! output of DailyState results per each timestep

◆ dataoutbeers

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutbeers

Definition at line 160 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

160 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutBEERS ! BEERS output matrix

Referenced by ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ dataoutbl

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutbl

Definition at line 158 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

158 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutBL !CBL output matrix

Referenced by bluews_module::cbl_initial(), and ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ dataoutdailystate

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutdailystate

Definition at line 166 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

166 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutDailyState !DailyState output array

Referenced by ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ dataoutdebug

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutdebug

Definition at line 161 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

161 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutDebug !debugging info matrix

Referenced by ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ dataoutehc

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutehc

Definition at line 165 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

165 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutEHC !EHC output matrix

Referenced by ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ dataoutestm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutestm

Definition at line 164 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

164 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutESTM !ESTM output matrix

Referenced by ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ dataoutlinebeers

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutbeers - 5) allocatearray::dataoutlinebeers

Definition at line 175 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

175 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsDataOutBEERS - 5) :: dataOutLineBEERS ! output of snow results per each timestep

◆ dataoutlinedebug

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutdebug) allocatearray::dataoutlinedebug

Definition at line 176 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

176 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsDataOutDebug) :: dataOutLineDebug ! output line for debugging info

◆ dataoutlineehc

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutehc - 5) allocatearray::dataoutlineehc

Definition at line 209 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

209 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsDataOutEHC - 5) :: dataOutLineEHC !ESTM output for the current timestep and grid

◆ dataoutlineestm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutestm - 5) allocatearray::dataoutlineestm

Definition at line 206 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

206 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsDataOutESTM - 5) :: dataOutLineESTM !ESTM output for the current timestep and grid

◆ dataoutlinersl

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutrsl - 5 + 12) allocatearray::dataoutlinersl

Definition at line 173 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

173 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsDataOutRSL - 5 + 12) :: dataOutLineRSL ! output of snow results per each timestep

◆ dataoutlinesnow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutsnow - 5) allocatearray::dataoutlinesnow

Definition at line 171 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

171 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsDataOutSnow - 5) :: dataOutLineSnow ! output of snow results per each timestep

◆ dataoutlinesolweig

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutsolweig - 5) allocatearray::dataoutlinesolweig

Definition at line 174 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

174 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsdataOutSOLWEIG - 5) :: dataOutLineSOLWEIG ! output of snow results per each timestep

◆ dataoutlinespartacus

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutspartacus) allocatearray::dataoutlinespartacus

Definition at line 177 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

177 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsDataOutSPARTACUS) :: dataOutLineSPARTACUS ! output line for SPARTACUS per each timestep (1hr?)

◆ dataoutlinesuews

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(ncolumnsdataoutsuews - 5) allocatearray::dataoutlinesuews

Definition at line 170 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

170 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(ncolumnsDataOutSUEWS - 5) :: dataOutLineSUEWS ! output of SUEWS results per each timestep

◆ dataoutrsl

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutrsl

Definition at line 157 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

157 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutRSL !Main data output matrix

Referenced by ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ dataoutsnow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutsnow

Definition at line 163 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

163 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutSnow !Main data output matrix

Referenced by ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ dataoutsolweig

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutsolweig

Definition at line 159 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

159 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutSOLWEIG !SOLWEIG POI output matrix

◆ dataoutspartacus

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutspartacus

Definition at line 162 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

162 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutSPARTACUS !SPARTACUS output matrix

Referenced by ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ dataoutsuews

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dataoutsuews

Definition at line 156 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

156 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dataOutSUEWS !Main data output matrix

Referenced by ctrl_output::suews_output_txt_grp().

◆ datetimeline

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(5) allocatearray::datetimeline

Definition at line 169 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

169 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(5) :: datetimeLine ! output of datetime info per each timestep

◆ decidcap_id

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::decidcap_id

Definition at line 332 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

332 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: DecidCap_id

◆ decidcap_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::decidcap_id_grids

Definition at line 326 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

326 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: DecidCap_id_grids

◆ decidsurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::decidsurf = 4

◆ deg2rad

real(kind(1d0)), parameter allocatearray::deg2rad = 0.017453292

Definition at line 412 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

412 REAL(KIND(1D0)), PARAMETER :: DEG2RAD = 0.017453292, &
413 rad2deg = 57.29577951, &
414 sigma_sb = 5.67e-8

Referenced by beers_module::beers_cal_main(), beers_module::diffusefraction(), solweig_module::diffusefraction(), beers_module::kroof(), beers_module::kwalls(), beers_module::shadowgroundkusaka(), and solweig_module::solweig_cal_main().

◆ deltaqi

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::deltaqi

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ dqndt

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::dqndt

Definition at line 429 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ dqndt_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::dqndt_grids

Definition at line 428 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

428 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dqndt_grids, dqnsdt_grids

◆ dqnsdt

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::dqnsdt

Definition at line 431 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ dqnsdt_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::dqnsdt_grids

Definition at line 428 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ drain

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::drain

Definition at line 234 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

234 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: drain !Drainage of each surface type [mm]

◆ dz_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::dz_roof

Definition at line 499 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

499 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ dz_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dz_roof_grids

Definition at line 514 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

514 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ dz_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::dz_surf

Definition at line 562 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

562 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_surf

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ dz_surf_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dz_surf_grids

Definition at line 569 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

569 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_surf_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ dz_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::dz_wall

Definition at line 530 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

530 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ dz_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::dz_wall_grids

Definition at line 545 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

545 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ emis

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::emis

Definition at line 387 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

387 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: emis !Emissivity of each surface type [-]

Referenced by estm_module::estm_translate().

◆ emis_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::emis_roof

Definition at line 502 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

502 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: emis_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ emis_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::emis_roof_grids

Definition at line 517 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

517 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: emis_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ emis_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::emis_wall

Definition at line 533 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

533 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: emis_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ emis_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::emis_wall_grids

Definition at line 548 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

548 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: emis_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ estmcoefficients_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::estmcoefficients_coeff

Definition at line 139 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

139 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: ESTMCoefficients_Coeff !Coefficients for ESTMCoefficients ! S.O. 04 Feb 2016

Referenced by codematchestm(), and codematchestm_class().

◆ estmforcingdata

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::estmforcingdata

Definition at line 152 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

152 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: ESTMForcingData !Array for ESTM forcing data

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregateestm(), estm_module::estm_translate(), and estm_module::suews_getestmdata().

◆ estmfordisagg

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::estmfordisagg

Definition at line 183 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

183 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: ESTMForDisagg !Array for original ESTM forcing data (for disaggregation)

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregateestm().

◆ estmfordisaggnext

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::estmfordisaggnext

Definition at line 184 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregateestm().

◆ estmfordisaggprev

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::estmfordisaggprev

Definition at line 184 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

184 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ESTMForDisaggPrev, ESTMForDisaggNext !Stores last and next row of ESTM data

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregateestm().

◆ ev_snow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::ev_snow

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ evap

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::evap

Definition at line 235 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

235 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: evap !Evaporation from each surface type [mm]

◆ excesssurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::excesssurf = 8

Definition at line 46 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ formatuse

character(len=14*ncolumnsdataoutsuews) allocatearray::formatuse

Definition at line 124 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ formatusenosep

character(len=14*ncolumnsdataoutsuews) allocatearray::formatusenosep

Definition at line 124 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ freezmelt

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::freezmelt

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ freezstate

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::freezstate

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ freezstatevol

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::freezstatevol

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ gdd_id

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::gdd_id

Definition at line 278 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

278 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: GDD_id, GDD_id_prev !Growing Degree Days (see SUEWS_DailyState.f95)

◆ gdd_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf, maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::gdd_id_grids

Definition at line 310 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

310 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf, MaxNumberOfGrids) :: GDD_id_grids

◆ gdd_id_prev

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::gdd_id_prev

Definition at line 278 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ gddfull

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::gddfull

Definition at line 359 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

359 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: GDDFull !Growing degree days needed for full capacity [degC]

◆ grasssurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::grasssurf = 5

◆ grididmatrix

integer, dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::grididmatrix

Definition at line 147 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

147 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: GridIDmatrix !Array containing GridIDs in SiteSelect after sorting

Referenced by ctrl_output::filename_gen().

◆ grididmatrix0

integer, dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::grididmatrix0

Definition at line 148 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

148 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: GridIDmatrix0 !Array containing GridIDs in SiteSelect in the original order

◆ gridto

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nconns) allocatearray::gridto

Definition at line 475 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

475 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nconns) :: GridTo !Grid that water moves to

◆ gridtofrac

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nconns) allocatearray::gridtofrac

Definition at line 474 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

474 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nconns) :: GridToFrac !Fraction of water moving to the grid specified in GridTo [-]

◆ ground_albedo_dir_mult_fact

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::ground_albedo_dir_mult_fact

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ hdd_id

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(12) allocatearray::hdd_id

Definition at line 281 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

281 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(12) :: HDD_id

◆ hdd_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(12, maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::hdd_id_grids

Definition at line 315 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

315 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(12, MaxNumberOfGrids) :: HDD_id_grids

◆ headeranthropogenic_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsanthropogenic) allocatearray::headeranthropogenic_file

Definition at line 110 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

110 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsAnthropogenic) :: HeaderAnthropogenic_File !Header for QF

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headeranthropogenic_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsanthropogenic) allocatearray::headeranthropogenic_reqd

Definition at line 111 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

111 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsAnthropogenic) :: HeaderAnthropogenic_Reqd !Expected header for QF

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerbiogen_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsbiogen) allocatearray::headerbiogen_file

Definition at line 118 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

118 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsBiogen) :: HeaderBiogen_File !Header for Biogen

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerbiogen_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsbiogen) allocatearray::headerbiogen_reqd

Definition at line 119 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

119 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsBiogen) :: HeaderBiogen_Reqd !Expected header for Biogen

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headercond_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsconductance) allocatearray::headercond_file

Definition at line 104 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

104 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsConductance) :: HeaderCond_File !Header for conductances

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headercond_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsconductance) allocatearray::headercond_reqd

Definition at line 105 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

105 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsConductance) :: HeaderCond_Reqd !Expected header for conductances

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerestmcoefficients_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsestmcoefficients) allocatearray::headerestmcoefficients_file

Definition at line 108 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

108 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsESTMCoefficients) :: HeaderESTMCoefficients_File !Header for soils ! S.O. 04 Feb 2016

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerestmcoefficients_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsestmcoefficients) allocatearray::headerestmcoefficients_reqd

Definition at line 109 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

109 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsESTMCoefficients) :: HeaderESTMCoefficients_Reqd !Expected header for soils ! S.O. 04 Feb 2016

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerirrigation_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsirrigation) allocatearray::headerirrigation_file

Definition at line 112 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

112 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsIrrigation) :: HeaderIrrigation_File !Header for Irrigation

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerirrigation_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsirrigation) allocatearray::headerirrigation_reqd

Definition at line 113 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

113 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsIrrigation) :: HeaderIrrigation_Reqd !Expected header for Irrigation

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headernonveg_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsnonveg) allocatearray::headernonveg_file

Definition at line 94 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

94 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsNonVeg) :: HeaderNonVeg_File !Header for the nonveg surface

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headernonveg_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsnonveg) allocatearray::headernonveg_reqd

Definition at line 95 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

95 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsNonVeg) :: HeaderNonVeg_Reqd !Expected header for the nonveg surface

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerohmcoefficients_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsohmcoefficients) allocatearray::headerohmcoefficients_file

Definition at line 106 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

106 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsOHMCoefficients) :: HeaderOHMCoefficients_File !Header for soils

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerohmcoefficients_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsohmcoefficients) allocatearray::headerohmcoefficients_reqd

Definition at line 107 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

107 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsOHMCoefficients) :: HeaderOHMCoefficients_Reqd !Expected header for soils

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerprofiles_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsprofiles) allocatearray::headerprofiles_file

Definition at line 114 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

114 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsProfiles) :: HeaderProfiles_File !Header for Profiles

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerprofiles_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsprofiles) allocatearray::headerprofiles_reqd

Definition at line 115 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

115 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsProfiles) :: HeaderProfiles_Reqd !Expected header for Profiles

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headersiteselect_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssiteselect) allocatearray::headersiteselect_file

Definition at line 93 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

93 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsSiteSelect) :: HeaderSiteSelect_File !Header for SiteSelect.txt

◆ headersnow_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssnow) allocatearray::headersnow_file

Definition at line 100 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

100 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsSnow) :: HeaderSnow_File !Header for Snow surface

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headersnow_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssnow) allocatearray::headersnow_reqd

Definition at line 101 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

101 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsSnow) :: HeaderSnow_Reqd !Expected header for Snow surface

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headersoil_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssoil) allocatearray::headersoil_file

Definition at line 102 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

102 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsSoil) :: HeaderSoil_File !Header for soils

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headersoil_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnssoil) allocatearray::headersoil_reqd

Definition at line 103 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

103 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsSoil) :: HeaderSoil_Reqd !Expected header for soils

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headeruse

character(len=14*ncolumnsdataoutsuews) allocatearray::headeruse

Definition at line 124 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

124 CHARACTER(len=14*ncolumnsDataOutSUEWS) :: HeaderUse, FormatUse, HeaderUseNoSep, FormatUseNoSep !Header and format in correct form

◆ headerusenosep

character(len=14*ncolumnsdataoutsuews) allocatearray::headerusenosep

Definition at line 124 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ headerveg_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsveg) allocatearray::headerveg_file

Definition at line 96 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

96 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsVeg) :: HeaderVeg_File !Header for the veg surface

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerveg_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnsveg) allocatearray::headerveg_reqd

Definition at line 97 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

97 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsVeg) :: HeaderVeg_Reqd !Expected header for the veg surface

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerwater_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnswater) allocatearray::headerwater_file

Definition at line 98 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

98 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsWater) :: HeaderWater_File !Header for water surface

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerwater_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnswater) allocatearray::headerwater_reqd

Definition at line 99 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

99 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsWater) :: HeaderWater_Reqd !Expected header for water surface

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerwgwaterdist_file

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnswgwaterdist) allocatearray::headerwgwaterdist_file

Definition at line 116 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

116 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsWGWaterDist) :: HeaderWGWaterDist_File !Header for Profiles

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ headerwgwaterdist_reqd

character(len=20), dimension(ncolumnswgwaterdist) allocatearray::headerwgwaterdist_reqd

Definition at line 117 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

117 CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(ncolumnsWGWaterDist) :: HeaderWGWaterDist_Reqd !Expected header for Profiles

Referenced by inputheadercheck().

◆ heig

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::heig

Definition at line 465 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

465 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nsurf) :: heiG, & !snow layer height
466 snowCoverForms, &
467 snowCalcSwitch = 0 !Defines if snow related balance is made

◆ height

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::height

Definition at line 576 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.


Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ height_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::height_grids

Definition at line 591 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

591 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: height_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ humactivity_24hr

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) allocatearray::humactivity_24hr

Definition at line 196 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

196 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(0:23, 2) :: HumActivity_24hr !Human actvity profiles for (1)weekdays / (2)weekends

◆ icefrac

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::icefrac

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ icefrac_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf, maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::icefrac_grids

Definition at line 461 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

461 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf, MaxNumberOfGrids) :: iceFrac_grids

◆ irrigation_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::irrigation_coeff

Definition at line 141 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

141 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: Irrigation_Coeff !Coefficients for Irrigation

Referenced by codematchirrigation().

◆ ivconif

integer, parameter allocatearray::ivconif = 1

◆ ivdecid

integer, parameter allocatearray::ivdecid = 2

◆ ivgrass

integer, parameter allocatearray::ivgrass = 3

◆ k_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::k_roof

Definition at line 497 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

497 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: k_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ k_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::k_roof_grids

Definition at line 512 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

512 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: k_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ k_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::k_surf

Definition at line 560 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

560 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: k_surf

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ k_surf_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::k_surf_grids

Definition at line 567 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

567 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: k_surf_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ k_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::k_wall

Definition at line 528 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

528 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: k_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ k_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::k_wall_grids

Definition at line 543 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

543 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: k_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ kkanohm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::kkanohm

Definition at line 486 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

486 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: kkAnOHM ! thermal conductivity [W m-1 K-1]

◆ ksurf_suewssurfs

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(5, nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::ksurf_suewssurfs

Definition at line 611 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ kup_ind

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::kup_ind

Definition at line 395 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

395 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: kup_ind, & !Outgoing shortwave radiation for each surface [W m-2]
396 kup_ind_snow, & !Outgoing shortwave radiation for each snow surface [W m-2]
397 kup_ind_nosnow

◆ kup_ind_nosnow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::kup_ind_nosnow

Definition at line 395 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ kup_ind_snow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::kup_ind_snow

Definition at line 395 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ lai_id

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::lai_id

Definition at line 283 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

283 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: LAI_id, LAI_id_prev !LAI for each veg surface [m2 m-2]

◆ lai_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf, maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::lai_id_grids

Definition at line 317 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

317 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf, MaxNumberOfGrids) :: LAI_id_grids

◆ lai_id_prev

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::lai_id_prev

Definition at line 283 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ laimax

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::laimax

Definition at line 362 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

362 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: LAIMax !Max LAI [m2 m-2]

◆ laimin

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::laimin

Definition at line 361 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

361 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: LAIMin !Min LAI [m2 m-2]

◆ laipower

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(4, nvegsurf) allocatearray::laipower

Definition at line 364 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

364 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(4, nvegsurf) :: LAIPower !Coeffs for LAI equation: 1,2 - leaf growth; 3,4 - leaf off

◆ laitype

integer, dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::laitype

Definition at line 366 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

366 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: LAIType !LAI equation to use: original (0) or new (1)

◆ lenday_id

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::lenday_id

Definition at line 280 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ lenday_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::lenday_id_grids

Definition at line 314 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

314 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: lenDay_id_grids

◆ longnmuse

character(len=52*ncolumnsdataoutsuews) allocatearray::longnmuse

Definition at line 125 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

125 CHARACTER(len=52*ncolumnsDataOutSUEWS) :: LongNmUse

◆ lup_ind

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::lup_ind

Definition at line 398 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

398 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: lup_ind, & !Outgoing longwave radiation for each surface [W m-2]
399 lup_ind_snow, & !Outgoing longwave radiation for each snow surface [W m-2]
400 lup_ind_nosnow

◆ lup_ind_nosnow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::lup_ind_nosnow

Definition at line 398 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ lup_ind_snow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::lup_ind_snow

Definition at line 398 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ mahanohm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::mahanohm

Definition at line 482 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

482 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: mAHAnOHM ! daily mean AH [W m-2]

◆ maxconductance

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::maxconductance

Definition at line 363 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

363 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: MaxConductance !Max conductance [mm s-1]

◆ maxlinesmet

integer, parameter allocatearray::maxlinesmet = 8640

Definition at line 28 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

28 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MaxLinesMet = 8640 !Max no. lines to read in one go (for all grids, ie MaxLinesMet/NumberOfGrids each)

◆ maxncols_c

integer, parameter allocatearray::maxncols_c = (ccEndESTMMP + 44*5 + 5 + 6)

Definition at line 1004 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1004 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MaxNCols_c = (ccendestmmp + 44*5 + 5 + 6)

◆ maxncols_cmds

integer, parameter allocatearray::maxncols_cmds = ccMDS + 0*nsurf + nsurf

Definition at line 1027 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1027 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MaxNCols_cMDS = ccmds + 0*nsurf + nsurf

◆ maxncols_cmod

integer, parameter allocatearray::maxncols_cmod = ccMOD + 5*nsurf + nsurf

Definition at line 1018 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1018 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MaxNCols_cMOD = ccmod + 5*nsurf + nsurf

◆ maxnumberofgrids

integer, parameter allocatearray::maxnumberofgrids = 10000

Definition at line 26 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

26 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MaxNumberOfGrids = 10000 !Max no. grids !HCW changed to 2000 from 10000 so prog can run on windows (2GB lim)

◆ maxsnowvol

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::maxsnowvol

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ metforcingdata

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::metforcingdata

Definition at line 150 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

150 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: MetForcingData !Array for meteorological forcing data

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregatemet().

◆ metforcingdata_grid

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::metforcingdata_grid

Definition at line 151 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

151 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: MetForcingData_grid !Array for meteorological forcing data of one grid used by AnOHM

◆ metfordisagg

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::metfordisagg

Definition at line 180 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

180 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: MetForDisagg !Array for original met forcing data (for disaggregation)

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregatemet().

◆ metfordisaggnext

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::metfordisaggnext

Definition at line 181 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregatemet().

◆ metfordisaggprev

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::metfordisaggprev

Definition at line 181 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

181 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: MetForDisaggPrev, MetForDisaggNext !Stores last and next row of met data

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregatemet().

◆ min_res_bioco2

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::min_res_bioco2

Definition at line 369 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ modeldailystate

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::modeldailystate

Definition at line 153 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

153 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: ModelDailyState !DailyState array

◆ modeloutputdata

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::modeloutputdata

Definition at line 155 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

155 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: ModelOutputData !Output data matrix

◆ mw_ind

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::mw_ind

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ mw_indday

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::mw_indday

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ n_stream_lw_urban

integer allocatearray::n_stream_lw_urban

Definition at line 603 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ n_stream_sw_urban

integer allocatearray::n_stream_sw_urban

Definition at line 603 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ n_vegetation_region_urban

integer allocatearray::n_vegetation_region_urban

Definition at line 603 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

603 INTEGER :: n_vegetation_region_urban, &
604 n_stream_sw_urban, n_stream_lw_urban

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ narp_alb_snow

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::narp_alb_snow

Definition at line 406 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ narp_emis_snow

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::narp_emis_snow

Definition at line 406 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ narp_g

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(365) allocatearray::narp_g

Definition at line 408 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

408 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: NARP_G(365) !!QUESTION: Should this be NDays? - HCW

◆ narp_kdown_hr

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::narp_kdown_hr

Definition at line 410 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.


◆ narp_lat

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::narp_lat

Definition at line 406 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.


◆ narp_long

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::narp_long

Definition at line 406 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ narp_nperhour

integer allocatearray::narp_nperhour

Definition at line 409 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.


◆ narp_trans_site

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::narp_trans_site

Definition at line 406 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ narp_tz

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::narp_tz

Definition at line 406 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ narp_year

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::narp_year

Definition at line 406 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ncol

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncol = 1

Definition at line 44 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

44 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncol = 1 !Number of tiles used: SUEWS does not have multiple tiles so ncol=1

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus().

◆ ncolsestmdata

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolsestmdata = 13

Definition at line 77 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

77 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolsESTMdata = 13 !ESTM input file (_ESTM_Ts_data.txt))

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregateestm(), estm_module::estm_translate(), and estm_module::suews_getestmdata().

◆ ncolumnsanthropogenic

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsanthropogenic = 39

Definition at line 71 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

71 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsAnthropogenic = 39 !SUEWS_AnthropogenicEmission.txt

◆ ncolumnsbiogen

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsbiogen = 9

Definition at line 75 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

75 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsBiogen = 9 !SUEWS_BiogenCO2.txt

◆ ncolumnsconductance

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsconductance = 13

Definition at line 68 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

68 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsConductance = 13 !SUEWS_Conductance.txt

◆ ncolumnsdataoutbeers

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutbeers = 34

Definition at line 80 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by suews_driver::output_block_init().

◆ ncolumnsdataoutbl

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutbl = 22

Definition at line 80 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by bluews_module::cbl_initial().

◆ ncolumnsdataoutdailystate

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutdailystate = 49

◆ ncolumnsdataoutdebug

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutdebug = 5 + 103 + 14 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 1

Definition at line 80 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by suews_driver::output_block_init().

◆ ncolumnsdataoutehc

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutehc = 5 + 7*2 + 15*(1 + 4 + 2)*2

Definition at line 80 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by suews_driver::output_block_init().

◆ ncolumnsdataoutestm

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutestm = 5 + 27

Definition at line 80 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by suews_driver::output_block_init().

◆ ncolumnsdataoutrsl

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutrsl = 30*4 + 5 + 13 + 2

Definition at line 80 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by suews_driver::output_block_init().

◆ ncolumnsdataoutsnow

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutsnow = 103

Definition at line 80 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by suews_driver::output_block_init().

◆ ncolumnsdataoutsolweig

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutsolweig = 31

Definition at line 80 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ncolumnsdataoutspartacus

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutspartacus = 5 + 7 + 4*15 + 3 + 6*15 + 2*15 + 4

◆ ncolumnsdataoutsuews

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsdataoutsuews = 87

Definition at line 80 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

80 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsDataOutSUEWS = 87, & !Main output file (_5.txt). dataOutSUEWS created in SUEWS_Calculations.f95
81 ncolumnsdataoutsnow = 103, &
82 ncolumnsdataoutsolweig = 31, &
83 ncolumnsdataoutbeers = 34, &
84 ncolumnsdataoutbl = 22, &
85 ncolumnsdataoutestm = 5 + 27, &
86 ncolumnsdataoutehc = 5 + 7*2 + 15*(1 + 4 + 2)*2, &
87 ncolumnsdataoutdailystate = 49, &
88 ncolumnsdataoutrsl = 30*4 + 5 + 13 + 2, &
89 ncolumnsdataoutdebug = 5 + 103 + 14 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 1, &
90 ncolumnsdataoutspartacus = 5 + 7 + 4*15 + 3 + 6*15 + 2*15 + 4

Referenced by suews_driver::output_block_init().

◆ ncolumnsestmcoefficients

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsestmcoefficients = 52

Definition at line 70 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

70 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsESTMCoefficients = 52 !SUEWS_ESTMCoefficients.txt ! S.O. 04 Feb 2016

◆ ncolumnsirrigation

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsirrigation = 26

Definition at line 72 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

72 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsIrrigation = 26 !SUEWS_Irrigation.txt

◆ ncolumnsmetforcingdata

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsmetforcingdata = 24

Definition at line 76 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

76 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsMetForcingData = 24 !Meteorological forcing file (_data.txt)

Referenced by metdisagg::disaggregatemet().

◆ ncolumnsnonveg

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsnonveg = 24

Definition at line 63 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

63 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsNonVeg = 24 !SUEWS_NonVeg.txt

◆ ncolumnsohmcoefficients

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsohmcoefficients = 4

Definition at line 69 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

69 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsOHMCoefficients = 4 !SUEWS_OHMCoefficients.txt

◆ ncolumnsprofiles

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsprofiles = 25

Definition at line 73 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

73 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsProfiles = 25 !SUEWS_Profiles.txt

◆ ncolumnssiteselect

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnssiteselect = 105

Definition at line 62 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

62 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsSiteSelect = 105 !SUEWS_SiteSelect.txt

◆ ncolumnssnow

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnssnow = 25

Definition at line 66 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

66 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsSnow = 25 !SUEWS_Snow.txt

◆ ncolumnssoil

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnssoil = 9

Definition at line 67 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

67 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsSoil = 9 !SUEWS_Soil.txt

◆ ncolumnsveg

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnsveg = 38

Definition at line 64 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

64 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsVeg = 38 !SUEWS_Veg.txt

◆ ncolumnswater

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnswater = 22

Definition at line 65 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

65 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsWater = 22 !SUEWS_Water.txt

◆ ncolumnswgwaterdist

integer, parameter allocatearray::ncolumnswgwaterdist = 10

Definition at line 74 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

74 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolumnsWGWaterDist = 10 !SUEWS_WithinGridWaterDist.txt

◆ nconns

integer, parameter allocatearray::nconns = 8

Definition at line 473 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

473 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nconns = 8 !Number of grids for between-grid connections

◆ ndays

integer, parameter allocatearray::ndays = 366

Definition at line 271 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

271 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ndays = 366 !Max no. days in a year used to specify size of daily arrays

Referenced by beers_module::days_of_year().

◆ ndepth

integer, parameter allocatearray::ndepth = 5

Definition at line 36 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

36 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ndepth = 5 !Number of depth levels for facets

Referenced by ehc_module::ehc(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), estm_module::load_gridlayout(), and suews_driver::suews_cal_main_dts().

◆ nlayer

integer allocatearray::nlayer

Definition at line 491 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

491 INTEGER :: nlayer !Number of vertical layers

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ nlayer_grids

integer, dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::nlayer_grids

Definition at line 492 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

492 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nlayer_grids !Number of vertical layers for each grid

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ nlayer_max

integer, parameter allocatearray::nlayer_max = 100

Definition at line 38 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

38 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nlayer_max = 100 !max Number of allowed roof types

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise().

◆ nlw

integer, parameter allocatearray::nlw = 1

Definition at line 43 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

43 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nlw = 1 !Number of longwave bands

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus().

◆ nonveg_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::nonveg_coeff

Definition at line 132 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

132 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: NonVeg_Coeff !Coefficients for the nonveg surfaces

Referenced by codematchnonveg().

◆ nspec

integer, parameter allocatearray::nspec = 1

Definition at line 41 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

41 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nspec = 1 !Number of spectral bands

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), estm_module::load_gridlayout(), spartacus_module::spartacus(), and suews_driver::suews_cal_main_dts().

◆ nsurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::nsurf = 7

◆ nsurfdonotreceivedrainage

integer, parameter allocatearray::nsurfdonotreceivedrainage = 0

Definition at line 46 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ nsurfincsnow

integer, parameter allocatearray::nsurfincsnow = nsurf + 1

Definition at line 33 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

33 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nsurfIncSnow = nsurf + 1 !Number of surfaces + snow

◆ nsw

integer, parameter allocatearray::nsw = 1

Definition at line 42 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

42 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nsw = 1 !Number of shortwave bands

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus().

◆ nvegsurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::nvegsurf = 3

Definition at line 32 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

32 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NVegSurf = 3 !Number of surfaces that are vegetated

Referenced by suews_driver::suews_cal_biogenco2(), suews_driver::suews_cal_biogenco2_dts(), and dailystate_module::update_gddlai().

◆ ohm_coef

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf + 1, 4, 3) allocatearray::ohm_coef

Definition at line 418 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

418 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf + 1, 4, 3) :: OHM_coef !Array for OHM coefficients

◆ ohm_threshsw

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf + 1) allocatearray::ohm_threshsw

Definition at line 419 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

419 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf + 1) :: OHM_threshSW, OHM_threshWD !Arrays for OHM thresholds

◆ ohm_threshwd

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf + 1) allocatearray::ohm_threshwd

Definition at line 419 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ ohmcoefficients_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::ohmcoefficients_coeff

Definition at line 138 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

138 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: OHMCoefficients_Coeff !Coefficients for OHMCoefficients

Referenced by codematchohm().

◆ pavsurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::pavsurf = 1

Definition at line 46 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

46 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: PavSurf = 1, & !When all surfaces considered together (1-7)
47 bldgsurf = 2, &
48 conifsurf = 3, &
49 decidsurf = 4, &
50 grasssurf = 5, & !New surface classes: Grass = 5th/7 surfaces
51 bsoilsurf = 6, & !New surface classes: Bare soil = 6th/7 surfaces
52 watersurf = 7, &
53 excesssurf = 8, & !Runoff or subsurface soil in WGWaterDist
54 nsurfdonotreceivedrainage = 0, & !Number of surfaces that do not receive drainage water (green roof)
55 ivconif = 1, & !When only vegetated surfaces considered (1-3)
56 ivdecid = 2, &
57 ivgrass = 3

Referenced by waterdist_module::cal_water_storage(), codematchestm_class(), ehc_module::ehc(), estm_module::estm_translate(), snow_module::snow_removal(), snow_module::snowcalc(), snow_module::snowdepletioncurve(), spartacus_module::spartacus(), suews_driver::suews_cal_main_dts(), suews_driver::suews_cal_surf(), suews_driver::suews_cal_surf_dts(), and waterdist_module::updateflood().

◆ popprof_24hr

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) allocatearray::popprof_24hr

Definition at line 198 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

198 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(0:23, 2) :: PopProf_24hr !Population profiles for (1)weekdays / (2)weekends

◆ pormax_dec

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::pormax_dec

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ pormin_dec

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::pormin_dec

Definition at line 292 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ porosity_id

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::porosity_id

Definition at line 336 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

336 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: porosity_id

◆ porosity_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::porosity_id_grids

Definition at line 330 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

330 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: porosity_id_grids

◆ profiles_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::profiles_coeff

Definition at line 142 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

142 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: Profiles_Coeff !Coefficients for Profiles

Referenced by codematchprof().

◆ qm_freezstate

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::qm_freezstate

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ qm_melt

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::qm_melt

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ qm_rain

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::qm_rain

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ qn1_ind

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::qn1_ind

Definition at line 401 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

401 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: qn1_ind, & !Net all-wave radiation for each surface [W m-2]
402 qn1_ind_snow, & !Net all-wave radiation for each snow surface [W m-2]
403 qn1_ind_nosnow

◆ qn1_ind_nosnow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::qn1_ind_nosnow

Definition at line 401 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ qn1_ind_snow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::qn1_ind_snow

Definition at line 401 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ qn_av

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::qn_av

Definition at line 429 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

429 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: qn_av, dqndt

◆ qn_av_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::qn_av_grids

Definition at line 427 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

427 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qn_av_grids, qn_s_av_grids

◆ qn_s_av

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::qn_s_av

Definition at line 431 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

431 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: qn_s_av, dqnsdt

◆ qn_s_av_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::qn_s_av_grids

Definition at line 427 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ rad2deg

real(kind(1d0)), parameter allocatearray::rad2deg = 57.29577951

Definition at line 412 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by beers_module::tsurfbeers().

◆ rainonsnow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::rainonsnow

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ resp_a

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::resp_a

Definition at line 369 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ resp_b

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::resp_b

Definition at line 369 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ roof_albedo_dir_mult_fact

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::roof_albedo_dir_mult_fact

Definition at line 586 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

586 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: roof_albedo_dir_mult_fact

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ roof_albedo_dir_mult_fact_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::roof_albedo_dir_mult_fact_grids

Definition at line 599 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

599 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: roof_albedo_dir_mult_fact_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ rss_nsurf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::rss_nsurf

Definition at line 245 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

245 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: rss_nsurf !Surface resistance after wet/partially wet adjustment for each surface

◆ rsurf_suewssurfs

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(5, nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::rsurf_suewssurfs

Definition at line 611 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ runoff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::runoff

Definition at line 236 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

236 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: runoff !Runoff from each surface type [mm]

◆ runoffsnow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::runoffsnow

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ runoffsoil

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::runoffsoil

Definition at line 237 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

237 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: runoffSoil !Soil runoff from each soil sub-surface [mm]

◆ sathydraulicconduct

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::sathydraulicconduct

Definition at line 253 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

253 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: SatHydraulicConduct !Saturated hydraulic conductivity for each soil subsurface [mm s-1]

◆ sdd_id

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::sdd_id

Definition at line 279 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

279 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: SDD_id !Growing Degree Days (see SUEWS_DailyState.f95)

◆ sdd_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf, maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::sdd_id_grids

Definition at line 311 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

311 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf, MaxNumberOfGrids) :: SDD_id_grids

◆ sddfull

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::sddfull

Definition at line 360 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

360 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: SDDFull !Senescence degree days needed to initiate leaf off [degC]

◆ sfr_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::sfr_roof

Definition at line 495 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

495 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sfr_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ sfr_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::sfr_roof_grids

Definition at line 511 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

511 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: sfr_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ sfr_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::sfr_surf

Definition at line 59 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

59 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: sfr_surf !Surface fractions [-]

Referenced by waterdist_module::cal_smd_veg(), and estm_module::estm_translate().

◆ sfr_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::sfr_wall

Definition at line 526 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

526 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sfr_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ sfr_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::sfr_wall_grids

Definition at line 542 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

542 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: sfr_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ sigma_sb

real(kind(1d0)), parameter allocatearray::sigma_sb = 5.67E-8

Definition at line 412 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ siteselect

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::siteselect

Definition at line 131 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

131 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: SiteSelect !Stores info from SiteSelect.txt

Referenced by codematchanthropogenic(), codematchconductance(), codematchdist(), codematchirrigation(), codematchnonveg(), codematchsnow(), codematchveg(), and codematchwater().

◆ smd_nsurf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::smd_nsurf

Definition at line 238 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

238 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: smd_nsurf !Soil moisture deficit of each sub-surface [mm]

◆ smd_nsurfout

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::smd_nsurfout

Definition at line 239 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

239 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: smd_nsurfOut !Soil moisture deficit of each sub-surface (written out) [mm]

◆ snow_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::snow_coeff

Definition at line 135 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

135 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: Snow_Coeff !Coefficients for snow

Referenced by codematchsnow().

◆ snowcalcswitch

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowcalcswitch = 0

Definition at line 465 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ snowcoverforms

integer, dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowcoverforms

Definition at line 465 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ snowdens

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowdens

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ snowdepth

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowdepth

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ snowfrac

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowfrac

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ snowinit

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowinit

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ snowpack

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowpack

Definition at line 463 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

463 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: snowPack, & !Amount of snow on each surface in mm
464 snowPackOld

◆ snowpacklimit

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowpacklimit

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ snowpackold

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowpackold

Definition at line 463 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ snowtosurf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowtosurf

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ snowwater

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::snowwater

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ soil_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::soil_coeff

Definition at line 136 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

136 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: Soil_Coeff !Coefficients for soil

Referenced by codematchsoil().

◆ soildepth

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::soildepth

Definition at line 254 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

254 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: SoilDepth !Depth of sub-surface soil store for each surface [mm]

◆ soilstore_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::soilstore_roof

Definition at line 506 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

506 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: soilstore_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ soilstore_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::soilstore_roof_grids

Definition at line 521 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

521 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: soilstore_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ soilstore_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::soilstore_surf

Definition at line 240 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

240 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: soilstore_surf !Soil moisture of each surface type [mm]

◆ soilstore_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::soilstore_wall

Definition at line 537 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

537 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: soilstore_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ soilstore_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::soilstore_wall_grids

Definition at line 552 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

552 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: soilstore_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ soilstorecap_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::soilstorecap_roof

Definition at line 507 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

507 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: soilstorecap_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ soilstorecap_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::soilstorecap_roof_grids

Definition at line 522 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

522 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: soilstorecap_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ soilstorecap_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::soilstorecap_surf

Definition at line 255 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

255 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: SoilStoreCap_surf !Capacity of soil store for each surface [mm]

◆ soilstorecap_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::soilstorecap_wall

Definition at line 538 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

538 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: soilstorecap_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ soilstorecap_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::soilstorecap_wall_grids

Definition at line 553 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

553 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: soilstorecap_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ soilstoreold

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::soilstoreold

Definition at line 241 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

241 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: soilstoreOld !Soil moisture of each surface type from previous timestep [mm]

◆ state_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::state_roof

Definition at line 503 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

503 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: state_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ state_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::state_roof_grids

Definition at line 518 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

518 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: state_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ state_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::state_surf

Definition at line 242 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

242 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: state_surf !Wetness status of each surface type [mm]

◆ state_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::state_wall

Definition at line 534 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

534 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: state_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ state_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::state_wall_grids

Definition at line 549 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

549 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: state_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ statefraction

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::statefraction

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ statelimit_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::statelimit_roof

Definition at line 504 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

504 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: statelimit_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ statelimit_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::statelimit_roof_grids

Definition at line 519 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

519 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: statelimit_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ statelimit_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::statelimit_surf

Definition at line 248 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

248 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: StateLimit_surf !Limit for state_id of each surface type [mm] (specified in input files)

◆ statelimit_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::statelimit_wall

Definition at line 535 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

535 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: statelimit_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ statelimit_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::statelimit_wall_grids

Definition at line 550 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

550 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: statelimit_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ stateold

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::stateold

Definition at line 244 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

244 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: stateOld !Wetness status of each surface type from previous timestep [mm]

◆ stateout

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::stateout

Definition at line 243 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

243 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: stateOut !Wetness status of each surface type (written out) [mm]

◆ storedrainprm

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(6, nsurf) allocatearray::storedrainprm

Definition at line 261 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

261 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(6, nsurf) :: StoreDrainPrm !Storage capacities and drainage equation info for each surface

◆ surfacechar

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::surfacechar

Definition at line 149 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

149 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: SurfaceChar !Array for surface characteristics

Referenced by codematchbiogen(), codematchestm(), codematchestm_class(), codematchohm(), codematchprof(), codematchsoil(), and metdisagg::disaggregatemet().

◆ sw_dn_direct_frac

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::sw_dn_direct_frac

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

605 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: sw_dn_direct_frac, air_ext_sw, air_ssa_sw, &
606 veg_ssa_sw, air_ext_lw, air_ssa_lw, veg_ssa_lw, &
607 veg_fsd_const, veg_contact_fraction_const, &
608 ground_albedo_dir_mult_fact

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ tair24hr

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::tair24hr

Definition at line 205 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.


Referenced by estm_module::estm_translate().

◆ tair_av

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::tair_av

Definition at line 430 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

430 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: tair_av

◆ tair_av_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::tair_av_grids

Definition at line 426 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

426 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tair_av_grids

◆ temp_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::temp_roof

Definition at line 508 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

508 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: temp_roof

◆ temp_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::temp_roof_grids

Definition at line 523 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

523 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: temp_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ temp_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::temp_surf

Definition at line 564 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

564 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: temp_surf

◆ temp_surf_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::temp_surf_grids

Definition at line 571 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

571 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: temp_surf_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), and estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise().

◆ temp_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::temp_wall

Definition at line 539 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

539 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: temp_wall

◆ temp_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::temp_wall_grids

Definition at line 554 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

554 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: temp_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ theta_bioco2

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf) allocatearray::theta_bioco2

Definition at line 369 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ tin_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::tin_roof

Definition at line 500 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

500 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tin_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ tin_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::tin_roof_grids

Definition at line 515 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

515 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: tin_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ tin_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::tin_surf

Definition at line 563 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

563 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tin_surf

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ tin_surf_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::tin_surf_grids

Definition at line 570 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

570 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: tin_surf_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ tin_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::tin_wall

Definition at line 531 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

531 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tin_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ tin_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::tin_wall_grids

Definition at line 546 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

546 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: tin_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ tmax_id

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::tmax_id

Definition at line 280 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ tmax_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::tmax_id_grids

Definition at line 313 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

313 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: Tmax_id_grids

◆ tmin_id

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::tmin_id

Definition at line 280 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

280 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: Tmin_id, Tmax_id, lenDay_id

◆ tmin_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::tmin_id_grids

Definition at line 312 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

312 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(MaxNumberOfGrids) :: Tmin_id_grids

◆ traffprof_24hr

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) allocatearray::traffprof_24hr

Definition at line 197 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

197 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(0:23, 2) :: TraffProf_24hr !Traffic profiles for (1)weekdays / (2)weekends

◆ ts5mindata

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::ts5mindata

Definition at line 203 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

203 REAL(KIND(1D0)), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: Ts5mindata !surface temperature input data

Referenced by estm_module::estm_translate().

◆ ts5mindata_ir

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::ts5mindata_ir

Definition at line 204 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

204 REAL(KIND(1D0)), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: ts5mindata_ir !=ts5mindata(ir,:), ts input for the current timestep

◆ tsfc_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::tsfc_roof

Definition at line 496 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

496 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tsfc_roof

◆ tsfc_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::tsfc_roof_grids

Definition at line 510 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

510 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: tsfc_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise().

◆ tsfc_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::tsfc_surf

Definition at line 559 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

559 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tsfc_surf

◆ tsfc_surf_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::tsfc_surf_grids

Definition at line 566 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

566 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: tsfc_surf_grids

◆ tsfc_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::tsfc_wall

Definition at line 527 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

527 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tsfc_wall

◆ tsfc_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::tsfc_wall_grids

Definition at line 541 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

541 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: tsfc_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise().

◆ tsurf_ind

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::tsurf_ind

Definition at line 392 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

392 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: Tsurf_ind, & !Surface temperature for each surface [degC]
393 Tsurf_ind_snow, & !Snow surface temperature for each surface [degC]
394 Tsurf_ind_nosnow

◆ tsurf_ind_nosnow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::tsurf_ind_nosnow

Definition at line 392 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ tsurf_ind_snow

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::tsurf_ind_snow

Definition at line 392 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ unitsuse

character(len=14*ncolumnsdataoutsuews) allocatearray::unitsuse

Definition at line 126 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

126 CHARACTER(len=14*ncolumnsDataOutSUEWS) :: UnitsUse

◆ use_sw_direct_albedo

logical allocatearray::use_sw_direct_albedo

Definition at line 609 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

609 LOGICAL :: use_sw_direct_albedo

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ usecolumnsdataout

integer, dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::usecolumnsdataout

Definition at line 122 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

122 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: UseColumnsDataOut !Column numbers used to select output variables

◆ veg_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::veg_coeff

Definition at line 133 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

133 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: Veg_Coeff !Coefficients for the veg surfaces

Referenced by codematchveg().

◆ veg_contact_fraction

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::veg_contact_fraction

Definition at line 583 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

583 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: veg_contact_fraction

◆ veg_contact_fraction_const

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::veg_contact_fraction_const

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ veg_contact_fraction_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::veg_contact_fraction_grids

Definition at line 598 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

598 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: veg_contact_fraction_grids

◆ veg_ext

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::veg_ext

Definition at line 581 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.


◆ veg_ext_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::veg_ext_grids

Definition at line 596 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

596 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: veg_ext_grids

◆ veg_frac

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::veg_frac

Definition at line 578 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

578 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: veg_frac

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ veg_frac_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::veg_frac_grids

Definition at line 593 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

593 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: veg_frac_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ veg_fsd

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::veg_fsd

Definition at line 582 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.


◆ veg_fsd_const

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::veg_fsd_const

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ veg_fsd_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::veg_fsd_grids

Definition at line 597 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

597 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: veg_fsd_grids

◆ veg_scale

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::veg_scale

Definition at line 580 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

580 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: veg_scale

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ veg_scale_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::veg_scale_grids

Definition at line 595 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

595 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: veg_scale_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ veg_ssa_lw

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::veg_ssa_lw

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ veg_ssa_sw

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::veg_ssa_sw

Definition at line 605 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

Referenced by spartacus_module::spartacus_initialise().

◆ volswe

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::volswe

Definition at line 436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ wall_specular_frac

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::wall_specular_frac

Definition at line 587 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

587 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: wall_specular_frac

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ wall_specular_frac_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable allocatearray::wall_specular_frac_grids

Definition at line 600 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

600 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: wall_specular_frac_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ water_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::water_coeff

Definition at line 134 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

134 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: Water_Coeff !Coefficients for the water surface

Referenced by codematchwater().

◆ waterdepth

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(1) allocatearray::waterdepth

Definition at line 250 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

250 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(1) :: WaterDepth !Depth of open water

◆ waterdist

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf + 1, nsurf - 1) allocatearray::waterdist

Definition at line 258 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

258 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf + 1, nsurf - 1) :: WaterDist !Within-grid water distribution to other surfaces and runoff/soil store [-]

◆ watersurf

integer, parameter allocatearray::watersurf = 7

◆ wetthresh_roof

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::wetthresh_roof

Definition at line 505 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

505 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wetthresh_roof

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ wetthresh_roof_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::wetthresh_roof_grids

Definition at line 520 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

520 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: wetthresh_roof_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ wetthresh_surf

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf) allocatearray::wetthresh_surf

Definition at line 247 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

247 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf) :: WetThresh_surf !When state_id > WetThresh, RS=0 limit in SUEWS_evap [mm] (specified in input files)

◆ wetthresh_wall

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:), allocatable allocatearray::wetthresh_wall

Definition at line 536 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

536 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wetthresh_wall

Referenced by estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ wetthresh_wall_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::wetthresh_wall_grids

Definition at line 551 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

551 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: wetthresh_wall_grids

Referenced by estm_module::estm_ehc_finalise(), estm_module::estm_ehc_initialise(), and estm_module::load_gridlayout().

◆ wgwaterdist_coeff

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(:, :), allocatable allocatearray::wgwaterdist_coeff

Definition at line 143 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

143 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: WGWaterDist_Coeff !Coefficients for WithinGridWaterDist

Referenced by codematchdist().

◆ wuday_id

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(9) allocatearray::wuday_id

Definition at line 282 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

282 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(9) :: WUDay_id, WUDay_id_prev !Daily water use for EveTr, DecTr, Grass [mm] (see SUEWS_DailyState.f95)

◆ wuday_id_grids

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(9, maxnumberofgrids) allocatearray::wuday_id_grids

Definition at line 316 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

316 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(9, MaxNumberOfGrids) :: WUDay_id_grids

◆ wuday_id_prev

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(9) allocatearray::wuday_id_prev

Definition at line 282 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

◆ wuprofa_24hr

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) allocatearray::wuprofa_24hr

Definition at line 200 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

200 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(0:23, 2) :: WUProfA_24Hr !Hourly profiles for water use (automatic irrigation)

◆ wuprofm_24hr

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(0:23, 2) allocatearray::wuprofm_24hr

Definition at line 199 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

199 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(0:23, 2) :: WUProfM_24Hr !Hourly profiles for water use (manual irrigation)

◆ xbo

real(kind(1d0)) allocatearray::xbo

Definition at line 346 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

346 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: xBo ! daily Bowen ratio

◆ zsurf_suewssurfs

real(kind(1d0)), dimension(5, nsurfincsnow) allocatearray::zsurf_suewssurfs

Definition at line 611 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

611 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(5, nsurfIncSnow) :: zSurf_SUEWSsurfs, &
612 kSurf_SUEWSsurfs, &
613 rSurf_SUEWSsurfs