Documentation of SUEWS source code
co2_module Module Reference


subroutine co2_biogen (alpha_bioco2, alpha_enh_bioco2, avkdn, beta_bioco2, beta_enh_bioco2, bsoilsurf, conifsurf, decidsurf, dectime, emissionsmethod, gfunc, gfunc2, grasssurf, gsmodel, id, it, ivconif, ivdecid, ivgrass, lai_id, laimin, laimax, min_res_bioco2, nsurf, nvegsurf, resp_a, resp_b, sfr_surf, snowfrac, t2, temp_c, theta_bioco2, fc_biogen, fc_photo, fc_respi)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ co2_biogen()

subroutine co2_module::co2_biogen ( real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) alpha_bioco2,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) alpha_enh_bioco2,
real(kind(1d0)), intent(in) avkdn,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) beta_bioco2,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) beta_enh_bioco2,
integer, intent(in) bsoilsurf,
integer, intent(in) conifsurf,
integer, intent(in) decidsurf,
real(kind(1d0)), intent(in) dectime,
integer, intent(in) emissionsmethod,
real(kind(1d0)), intent(in) gfunc,
real(kind(1d0)), intent(in) gfunc2,
integer, intent(in) grasssurf,
integer, intent(in) gsmodel,
integer, intent(in) id,
integer, intent(in) it,
integer, intent(in) ivconif,
integer, intent(in) ivdecid,
integer, intent(in) ivgrass,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) lai_id,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) laimin,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) laimax,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) min_res_bioco2,
integer, intent(in) nsurf,
integer, intent(in) nvegsurf,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) resp_a,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) resp_b,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf), intent(in) sfr_surf,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nsurf), intent(in) snowfrac,
real(kind(1d0)), intent(in) t2,
real(kind(1d0)), intent(in) temp_c,
real(kind(1d0)), dimension(nvegsurf), intent(in) theta_bioco2,
real(kind(1d0)), intent(out) fc_biogen,
real(kind(1d0)), intent(out) fc_photo,
real(kind(1d0)), intent(out) fc_respi )

Definition at line 33 of file suews_phys_biogenco2.f95.

42 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: &
43 emissionsmethod, id, it, ivconif, ivdecid, ivgrass, conifsurf, decidsurf, grasssurf, bsoilsurf, &
44 nsurf, nvegsurf, gsmodel
46 REAL(KIND(1D0)), INTENT(in) :: &
47 avkdn, &
48 dectime, &
49 gfunc, &
50 gfunc2, &
51 temp_c, &
52 t2
54 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nsurf), INTENT(in) :: &
55 sfr_surf, & !Surface fractions [-]
56 snowfrac
58 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf), INTENT(in) :: &
59 laimin, laimax, & ! [m2 m-2]
60 alpha_bioco2, &
61 beta_bioco2, &
62 theta_bioco2, &
63 alpha_enh_bioco2, &
64 beta_enh_bioco2, &
65 resp_a, &
66 resp_b, &
67 min_res_bioco2, &
68 lai_id
70 REAL(KIND(1D0)), INTENT(out) :: &
71 fc_biogen, &
72 fc_respi, fc_photo
74 INTEGER :: iv ! counter
76 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: &
77 par_umolm2s1, &
78 bellucco2017_pho, & ! Photosynthesis (Bellucco et al. 2016)
79 bellucco2017_res, & ! Respiration (Bellucco et al. 2016)
80 bellucco2017_res_surf, & ! Respiration for each vegetated surface
81 vegfracsum ! Sum of vegetation fractions without water. Could be moved elsewhere later.
83 REAL(KIND(1D0)), DIMENSION(nvegsurf) :: &
84 active_veg_fr, & ! Active vegetation fraction
85 active_veg_fr0, & ! Active vegetation fraction without LAI
86 fc_photo_surf, & ! Photosynthesis for each vegetated surface
87 bellucco2017_pho_surf, & ! Photosynthesis for each vegetated surface
88 alpha_bioco2_v2, &
89 beta_bioco2_v2, &
90 theta_bioco2_v2
93 jtoumolpar = 4.6, &
94 kdntopar = 0.46
96 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
97 ! Calculate PAR from Kdown ----------------------------------
98 par_umolm2s1 = jtoumolpar*kdntopar*avkdn
99 vegfracsum = sfr_surf(conifsurf) + sfr_surf(decidsurf) + sfr_surf(grasssurf)
101 ! Calculate active vegetation surface -----------------------
102 !Now this is zero always when LAI in its minimum values. This needs to vary between the summer time maximum and some minimum value
103 !especially in the case of evergreen trees (i.e. in early March LAI can be in its minimum value, but air temperature and radiation
104 !such that uptake can take place)
105 DO iv = ivconif, ivgrass !For vegetated surfaces. Snow included although quite often LAI will be in its minimum when snow on ground
107 active_veg_fr(iv) = (sfr_surf(iv + 2)*(1 - snowfrac(iv + 2)))*(lai_id(iv)/laimax(iv))
108 active_veg_fr0(iv) = (sfr_surf(iv + 2)*(1 - snowfrac(iv + 2)))*lai_id(iv)
110 END DO
112 IF (emissionsmethod >= 11 .AND. emissionsmethod <= 16) THEN ! Rectangular hyperbola
113 ! Calculate carbon uptake due to photosynthesis -------------
114 fc_photo = 0
115 DO iv = ivconif, ivgrass
116 fc_photo_surf(iv) = -beta_bioco2(iv)*alpha_bioco2(iv)*par_umolm2s1/(alpha_bioco2(iv)*par_umolm2s1 + beta_bioco2(iv))
117 ! For active vegetation fraction only
118 fc_photo = fc_photo + fc_photo_surf(iv)*active_veg_fr(iv) !umol m-2 s-1
119 END DO
121 ELSEIF (emissionsmethod >= 21 .AND. emissionsmethod <= 26) THEN !Local model, Bellucco et al. (2017)
122 ! Calculate carbon uptake due to photosynthesis -------------
123 bellucco2017_pho = 0
124 DO iv = ivconif, ivgrass
125 bellucco2017_pho_surf(iv) = -(1/(2*theta_bioco2(iv)) &
126 *(alpha_bioco2(iv)*par_umolm2s1 + beta_bioco2(iv) &
127 - sqrt((alpha_bioco2(iv)*par_umolm2s1 + beta_bioco2(iv))**2 &
128 - 4*alpha_bioco2(iv)*beta_bioco2(iv)*theta_bioco2(iv)*par_umolm2s1)))
130 ! For active vegetation fraction only
131 bellucco2017_pho = bellucco2017_pho + bellucco2017_pho_surf(iv)*active_veg_fr(iv)
132 END DO
133 fc_photo = bellucco2017_pho
135 ELSEIF (emissionsmethod >= 31 .AND. emissionsmethod <= 36) THEN !General model, Bellucco et al. (2017)
136 ! Not currently recommended as includes also some anthropogenic impacts. Should maybe be separate from other biogen choices?
137 ! Alpha and beta calculated as a function of vegetation cover fraction
139 !Different alpha, beta and theta vegetation cover values should be same in BiogenCO2Method = 3.
140 IF (alpha_bioco2(ivconif) == alpha_bioco2(ivdecid) .AND. alpha_bioco2(ivconif) == alpha_bioco2(ivgrass) .AND. &
141 beta_bioco2(ivconif) == beta_bioco2(ivdecid) .AND. beta_bioco2(ivconif) == beta_bioco2(ivgrass) .AND. &
142 theta_bioco2(ivconif) == theta_bioco2(ivdecid) .AND. theta_bioco2(ivconif) == theta_bioco2(ivgrass)) THEN
144 !Because different alpha, beta and theta values are same - only one vegetation type is needed.
145 alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif) = alpha_bioco2(ivconif) + alpha_enh_bioco2(ivconif)* &
146 (sfr_surf(conifsurf) + sfr_surf(decidsurf) + sfr_surf(grasssurf) + sfr_surf(bsoilsurf)) !umol CO2 umol photons-1
147 beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif) = -beta_bioco2(ivconif) + beta_enh_bioco2(ivconif)* &
148 (sfr_surf(conifsurf) + sfr_surf(decidsurf) + sfr_surf(grasssurf) + sfr_surf(bsoilsurf)) !umol m^-2 s^-1
150 !Photosynthesis
151 bellucco2017_pho = -(1/(2*theta_bioco2(ivconif)) &
152 *(alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif)*par_umolm2s1 &
153 + beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif) &
154 - sqrt((alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif)*par_umolm2s1 + beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif))**2 - 4* &
155 alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif)*beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif)*theta_bioco2(ivconif)*par_umolm2s1)))
157 ELSE !If values are not same, then weighted average is calculated.
158 ! CALL ErrorHint(74, 'Check values in SUEWS_BiogenCO2.txt: ', notUsed, notUsed, notUsedI)
160 ! Weighted averages
161 alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif) = (alpha_bioco2(ivconif)*sfr_surf(conifsurf)/vegfracsum + &
162 alpha_bioco2(ivdecid)*sfr_surf(decidsurf)/vegfracsum &
163 + alpha_bioco2(ivgrass)*sfr_surf(grasssurf)/vegfracsum) &
164 /(alpha_bioco2(ivconif) + alpha_bioco2(ivdecid) + alpha_bioco2(ivgrass))
165 beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif) = (beta_bioco2(ivconif)*sfr_surf(conifsurf)/vegfracsum + &
166 beta_bioco2(ivdecid)*sfr_surf(decidsurf)/vegfracsum &
167 + beta_bioco2(ivgrass)*sfr_surf(grasssurf)/vegfracsum) &
168 /(beta_bioco2(ivconif) + beta_bioco2(ivdecid) + beta_bioco2(ivgrass))
169 theta_bioco2_v2(ivconif) = (theta_bioco2(ivconif)*sfr_surf(conifsurf)/vegfracsum + &
170 theta_bioco2(ivdecid)*sfr_surf(decidsurf)/vegfracsum &
171 + theta_bioco2(ivgrass)*sfr_surf(grasssurf)/vegfracsum) &
172 /(theta_bioco2(ivconif) + theta_bioco2(ivdecid) + theta_bioco2(ivgrass))
174 ! Using weighted average values to calculate alpha and beta as a function of vegetation cover fraction
175 alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif) = alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif) + alpha_enh_bioco2(ivconif)* &
176 (sfr_surf(conifsurf) + sfr_surf(decidsurf) + sfr_surf(grasssurf) + sfr_surf(bsoilsurf)) !umol CO2 umol photons-1
177 beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif) = -beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif) + beta_enh_bioco2(ivconif)* &
178 (sfr_surf(conifsurf) + sfr_surf(decidsurf) + sfr_surf(grasssurf) + sfr_surf(bsoilsurf)) !umol m^-2 s^-1
180 !Photosynthesis
181 bellucco2017_pho = -(1/(2*theta_bioco2_v2(ivconif))*( &
182 alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif)*par_umolm2s1 + beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif) &
183 - sqrt((alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif)*par_umolm2s1 + beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif))**2 &
184 - 4*alpha_bioco2_v2(ivconif)*beta_bioco2_v2(ivconif)*theta_bioco2_v2(ivconif) &
185 *par_umolm2s1)))
187 END IF
188 ! Calculate carbon uptake due to photosynthesis -------------
189 fc_photo = bellucco2017_pho*active_veg_fr(conifsurf - 2) + &
190 bellucco2017_pho*active_veg_fr(decidsurf - 2) + &
191 bellucco2017_pho*active_veg_fr(grasssurf - 2)
193 ELSEIF (emissionsmethod >= 41 .AND. emissionsmethod <= 46) THEN ! Conductance parameters
194 !Dependance to incoming shortwave radiation, specific humidity deficit, air temperature and soil moisture deficit
195 fc_photo = 0
196 DO iv = ivconif, ivgrass
197 fc_photo = fc_photo + active_veg_fr0(iv)*beta_bioco2(iv)
198 END DO
200 IF (gsmodel == 1 .OR. gsmodel == 2) THEN !With air temperature
201 fc_photo = -fc_photo*gfunc
202 ELSEIF (gsmodel == 3 .OR. gsmodel == 4) THEN !With modelled 2 meter temperature
203 fc_photo = -fc_photo*gfunc2
204 END IF
206 END IF
208 ! Calculate carbon emissions due to respiration -------------
209 bellucco2017_res = 0.0
210 bellucco2017_res_surf = 0.0
211 IF (vegfracsum > 0.01) THEN
212 DO iv = ivconif, ivgrass
213 IF (sfr_surf(2 + iv) > 0.005) THEN
214 IF (gsmodel == 1 .OR. gsmodel == 2) THEN !With air temperature
215 bellucco2017_res_surf = max(min_res_bioco2(iv), resp_a(iv)*exp(resp_b(iv)*temp_c))
216 ELSEIF (gsmodel == 3 .OR. gsmodel == 4) THEN !With modelled 2 meter temperature
217 bellucco2017_res_surf = max(min_res_bioco2(iv), resp_a(iv)*exp(resp_b(iv)*t2))
218 END IF
219 ! Only for vegetation fraction
220 bellucco2017_res = bellucco2017_res + bellucco2017_res_surf*sfr_surf(2 + iv)/vegfracsum
221 END IF
222 END DO
223 END IF
224 fc_respi = bellucco2017_res*(sfr_surf(conifsurf) + sfr_surf(decidsurf) + sfr_surf(grasssurf) + sfr_surf(bsoilsurf))
225 ! Combine to find biogenic CO2 flux
226 fc_biogen = fc_photo + fc_respi

Referenced by suews_driver::suews_cal_biogenco2(), and suews_driver::suews_cal_biogenco2_dts().

Here is the caller graph for this function: