Documentation of SUEWS source code
gas Module Reference


real(kind(1d0)) comp = 0.9995
real(kind(1d0)) epsil = 0.62197
real(kind(1d0)) epsil_gkg = 621.97
real(kind(1d0)) dry_gas = 8.31451
real(kind(1d0)) gas_ct_wat = 461.05
real(kind(1d0)) molar = 0.028965
real(kind(1d0)) molar_wat_vap = 0.0180153
real(kind(1d0)) gas_ct_dry = 8.31451/0.028965
real(kind(1d0)) gas_ct_wv = 8.31451/0.0180153

Variable Documentation

◆ comp

real(kind(1d0)) gas::comp = 0.9995

Definition at line 1436 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1436 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: comp = 0.9995

◆ dry_gas

real(kind(1d0)) gas::dry_gas = 8.31451

Definition at line 1439 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1439 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: dry_gas = 8.31451 !Dry gas constant (J/k/mol)

◆ epsil

real(kind(1d0)) gas::epsil = 0.62197

Definition at line 1437 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1437 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: epsil = 0.62197 !ratio molecular weight of water vapor/dry air (kg/mol/kg/mol)

Referenced by meteo::psyc_const().

◆ epsil_gkg

real(kind(1d0)) gas::epsil_gkg = 621.97

Definition at line 1438 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1438 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: epsil_gkg = 621.97 !ratio molecular weight of water vapor/dry air in g/kg

◆ gas_ct_dry

real(kind(1d0)) gas::gas_ct_dry = 8.31451/0.028965

Definition at line 1443 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1443 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: gas_ct_dry = 8.31451/0.028965 !j/kg/k=dry_gas/molar

Referenced by bluews_module::cbl_initial().

◆ gas_ct_wat

real(kind(1d0)) gas::gas_ct_wat = 461.05

Definition at line 1440 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1440 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: gas_ct_wat = 461.05 !Gas constant for water (J/kg/K)

◆ gas_ct_wv

real(kind(1d0)) gas::gas_ct_wv = 8.31451/0.0180153

Definition at line 1444 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1444 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: gas_ct_wv = 8.31451/0.0180153 !j/kg/kdry_gas/molar_wat_vap

◆ molar

real(kind(1d0)) gas::molar = 0.028965

Definition at line 1441 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1441 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: molar = 0.028965 !Dry air molar fraction in kg/mol

◆ molar_wat_vap

real(kind(1d0)) gas::molar_wat_vap = 0.0180153

Definition at line 1442 of file suews_ctrl_const.f95.

1442 REAL(KIND(1D0)) :: molar_wat_vap = 0.0180153 !Molar fraction of water vapor in kg/mol