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Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
suews_util_stringmod.f95 File Reference

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Data Types

interface  strings::value
interface  strings::writenum
interface  strings::writeq


module  precision
module  strings


subroutine strings::parse (str, delims, args, nargs)
subroutine strings::compact (str)
subroutine strings::removesp (str)
subroutine, private strings::value_dr (str, rnum, ios)
subroutine, private strings::value_sr (str, rnum, ios)
subroutine, private strings::value_di (str, inum, ios)
subroutine, private strings::value_si (str, inum, ios)
subroutine strings::shiftstr (str, n)
subroutine strings::insertstr (str, strins, loc)
subroutine strings::delsubstr (str, substr)
subroutine strings::delall (str, substr)
character(len=len_trim(str)) function strings::uppercase (str)
character(len=len_trim(str)) function strings::lowercase (str)
subroutine strings::readline (nunitr, line, ios)
subroutine strings::match (str, ipos, imatch)
subroutine, private strings::write_dr (rnum, str, fmt)
subroutine, private strings::write_sr (rnum, str, fmt)
subroutine, private strings::write_di (inum, str, fmt)
subroutine, private strings::write_si (inum, str, fmt)
subroutine strings::trimzero (str)
subroutine, private strings::writeq_dr (unit, namestr, value, fmt)
subroutine, private strings::writeq_sr (unit, namestr, value, fmt)
subroutine, private strings::writeq_di (unit, namestr, ivalue, fmt)
subroutine, private strings::writeq_si (unit, namestr, ivalue, fmt)
logical function strings::is_letter (ch)
logical function strings::is_digit (ch)
subroutine strings::split (str, delims, before, sep)
subroutine strings::removebksl (str)


integer, parameter precision::kr4 = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(6, 37)
integer, parameter precision::kr8 = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(15, 307)
integer, parameter precision::ki4 = SELECTED_INT_KIND(9)
integer, parameter precision::ki8 = SELECTED_INT_KIND(18)
integer, parameter precision::kc4 = kr4
integer, parameter precision::kc8 = kr8