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3.7. SUEWS-SPARTACUS (SS) input files#

To run SUEWS-SS the SS specific files that need to be modified are:

Non-SS specific SUEWS input file parameters also need to have appropriate values. For example, LAI, albedos and emissivities are used by SUEWS-SS as explained in More background information.

3.7.1. RunControl.nml#

See NetRadiationMethod (sensible values are 1001, 1002 or 1003) in RunControl.nml parameter.


This file is used to specify the SS model options when coupled to SUEWS.

A sample file of SUEWS_SPARTACUS.nml is shown below:

nlayers = 1
use_sw_direct_albedo = false
n_vegetation_region_urban = 1
nsw = 1
nlw = 1
nspec = 1
n_stream_sw_urban = 8
n_stream_lw_urban = 8
sw_dn_direct_frac = 0.0
air_ext_sw = 0.0
air_ssa_sw = 0.95
veg_ssa_sw = 0.13
air_ext_lw = 0.0
air_ssa_lw = 0.0
veg_ssa_lw = 0.01
ground_albedo_dir_mult_fact = 1.

The parameters and their setting instructions are provided through the links below: