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4.2.10. SUEWS_Soil.txt

SUEWS_Soil.txt specifies the characteristics of the sub-surface soil below each of the non-water surface types (Paved, Bldgs, EveTr, DecTr, Grass, BSoil). The model does not have a soil store below the water surfaces. Note that these sub-surface soil stores are different to the bare soil/unmamnaged surface cover type. Each of the non-water surface types need to link to soil characteristics specified here. If the soil characteristics are assumed to be the same for all surface types, use a single code value to link the characteristics here with the SoilTypeCode columns in SUEWS_NonVeg.txt and SUEWS_Veg.txt.

Soil moisture can either be provided using observational data in the met forcing file (SMDMethod = 1 or 2 in RunControl.nml) and providing some metadata information here (OBS columns), or modelled by SUEWS (SMDMethod = 0 in RunControl.nml).


The option to use observational data is not operational in the current release!

No. Column Name Use Description
1 Code L Code linking to a corresponding look-up table.
2 SoilDepth MD Depth of soil beneath the surface [mm]
3 SoilStoreCap MD Limit value for SoilDepth [mm]
4 SatHydraulicCond MD Hydraulic conductivity for saturated soil [mm s-1]
5 SoilDensity MD Soil density [kg m-3]
6 InfiltrationRate O Infiltration rate.
7 OBS_SMDepth O The depth of soil moisture measurements. [mm]
8 OBS_SMCap O The maximum observed soil moisture. [m3 m-3 or kg kg-1]
9 OBS_SoilNotRocks O Fraction of soil without rocks. [-]

An example SUEWS_Soil.txt can be found below:

1    	 2         	 3            	 4                	 5           	 6                	 7           	 8         	 9
Code 	 SoilDepth 	 SoilStoreCap 	 SatHydraulicCond 	 SoilDensity 	 InfiltrationRate 	 OBS_SMDepth 	 OBS_SMCap 	 OBS_SoilNotRocks
551  	 350       	 150          	 5.00E-04         	 -999        	 -999             	 -999        	 -999      	 -999             	 ! 	 Swindon   (below   Paved)  	 Ward   et   al.   (2013)
552  	 350       	 150          	 5.00E-04         	 -999        	 -999             	 -999        	 -999      	 -999             	 ! 	 Swindon   (below   Built)  	 Ward   et   al.   (2013)
553  	 350       	 150          	 5.00E-04         	 -999        	 -999             	 -999        	 -999      	 -999             	 ! 	 Swindon   (below   others) 	 Ward   et   al.   (2013)
661  	 350       	 150          	 5.00E-04         	 -999        	 -999             	 -999        	 -999      	 -999             	 ! 	 London