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3.2. SUEWS Site Information#
We use the following codes for denoting the requirement level of various input variables/parameters for SUEWS throughout this section:
- MU#
Parameters which must be supplied and must be specific for the site/grid being run.
- MD#
Parameters which must be supplied and must be specific for the site/grid being run (but default values may be ok if these values are not known specifically for the site).
- O#
Parameters that are optional, depending on the model settings in RunControl.nml. Set any parameters that are not used/not known to ‘-999’.
- L#
Codes that are used to link between the input files, which must
be specified in the correct way to link the main and sub-reference files (similar to key-value pairs);
be integers and unique in column 1 of corresponding input files; and
match up with column 1 of the corresponding input file, even if those parameters are not used (in which case set all columns except column 1 to ‘-999’ in the corresponding input file), otherwise the model run will fail.
We use the following codes for denoting the typical land cover/entity types of SUEWS throughout this section:
- Paved#
Paved surface
- Bldgs#
Building surface
- EveTr#
Evergreen trees and shrubs
- DecTr#
Deciduous trees and shrubs
- Grass#
Grass surface
- BSoil#
Unmanaged land and/or bare soil
- Water#
Water surface
- Runoff#
The water that drains freely off the impervious surface
- SoilStore#
The water stored in the underlying soil that infiltrates from the pervious surface
The following text files provide SUEWS with information about the study area.
- 3.2.1. SUEWS_AnthropogenicEmission.txt
- 3.2.2. SUEWS_BiogenCO2.txt
- 3.2.3. SUEWS_Conductance.txt
- 3.2.4. SUEWS_Irrigation.txt
- 3.2.5. SUEWS_NonVeg.txt
- 3.2.6. SUEWS_OHMCoefficients.txt
- 3.2.7. SUEWS_Profiles.txt
- 3.2.8. SUEWS_SiteSelect.txt
- 3.2.9. SUEWS_Snow.txt
- 3.2.10. SUEWS_Soil.txt
- 3.2.11. SUEWS_Veg.txt
- 3.2.12. SUEWS_Water.txt
- 3.2.13. SUEWS_WithinGridWaterDist.txt
The above text files (used to be stored as worksheets in SUEWS_SiteInfo.xlsm for versions prior to v2018a) can be edited directly (see Data Entry). Please note this file is subject to possible changes from version to version due to new features, modifications, etc. Please be aware of using the correct copy of this worksheet that are always shipped with the SUEWS public release.
See SUEWS input converter for conversion of input file between different versions.
Typical values for various properties can be found here.